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"you hate us that much, it's that bad living with us your willingly choosing to live in this dump" mom is mad, furious even.

"No offence" dad quickly says to the bemused landlord. Mrs hoover shrugs, she is watching the interaction with interest.

"I will not agree to you living here, it doesn't have a bedroom. Who would be desperate enough to live here, it's an infested hell out"

"No offense" dad adds again, it's actually quite comical, it's taking a lot for me not to laugh. I knew my parents attending the viewing would be a bad idea.

The studio apartment is small , damp and maybe a health hazard but it's close to school and more importantly it's cheap.

"Why don't you just take a look at the apartment I found you, it's a two bedroom with a balcony" mom is hoping that she can bribe me into giving up some control.

"I don't have the money to pay for some ostentatious apartment" it's like she's not heard a word I've said. I want to do this alone, I've agreed for them to pay for my college courses but that's it.

"We will pay, why are you being so stubborn"

"Kathleen, Savannah wants to be independent. All we can do is respect her decision and be there with no judgement if she does need us" dad places his hand on mom's arm.

Mom sighs , her body drops with defeat. " I won't tell you I told you so. I don't like this but I suppose my opinion doesn't matter."

"I'll take it" I turn to Mrs Hoover and smile brightly. I can see a small smirk dancing on her face, I imagine it is comical to see three people covered in designer clothes arguing.

" It's not like I gave birth to you" mom is complaining to herself, I try my best to ignore her.

I take the clip board and quickly sign the agreement before mom can talk me out of it.

"I may as well be one of the mice in the walls, everyone is just ignoring me" mom says under her breath but it's loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Kathleen, that's enough. Your being rude " dad gives me a reassuring smile. He won't say it in front of my mom but he's proud of me, he's told me he thinks this is a great life experience. I've led a sheltered life under the protection of my parents and not surname. I've been to the best schools, vacations, summer camps and had every thing I've ever wanted. I've learnt ballet, tennis and piano all from the best teachers. Im a celebrated gymnast and cheerleader, I should be satisfied with my life but I'm not. I'm greatful for all the opportunities I have had but I do feel trapped in my life. I want to earn my own money, go where I want to go without having to deal with my mother's disapproval.

"Can we pay the rent and deposit" dad asks as he pulls out his credit card. I shake my head, the whole point of this is that I want to do it on my own.

"At least let us pay for the furniture, you can't move in with just a mini fridge and a yoga mat" mom gives me a pleading look.

"I want to do this alone, I don't want you choosing my furniture" I wish she could understand why this is so important to me.

"We will just come along and pay, we won't try to influence your decision" dad pleads, I'm going to have to agree or dad won't get any peace on the drive home.

"Ok but I choose the place"

"Deal so where are we going, do you know any good designers around here" she asks Mrs hoover who states at her blankly

"Never mind" mom affs realising she's asked the wrong person.

"I think I saw a vintage store on the next block"

"I love vintage pieces, just what this place needs," mom clasps her hands with glee.


"This is not vintage, this is second hand" mom won't even step inside, she's appauled.

"It's a thrift shop" dad informs her.

"Vintage is second hand this is exactly the same other than the price is a few thousand dollars cheaper" I am feel enthusiastic, I see a futon that would be perfect for my new home.

"This is where I draw the line, here take the credit card. Get what furniture you choose, you can use it for your rent and bills also"

"I appreciate you buying the furniture but I don't need it after that" I reply

Mom purses her lips, she's not impressed but she doesn't argue.

"Keep it for emergencies, I for one will sleep better knowing you have it if you need it" dad nods at me. They both proceed to kiss my cheek before hurrying back to their car, mom had commented that they would be lucky to get out of the neighborhood without a bullet hole in the windscreen.

I jump on the spot, this is really happening. I'm really in the city on my own,I have no one to answer to. I have so many plans but first thing first I need to buy things for my new home and then I need to get a job. I have enough money to pay my way for two months if I'm lucky. I refuse to use the credit card mom had given me. I'll buy the furniture and homewears then the card will be retired to the bottom of pocket book.

I have two days until I'm back at school so I need to get a move on and make my home habitable.

I'm ready to start my life, I'm single for the first time in years and I'm ready to mingle.

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