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I sit crossed legged on the floor as I paint my toe nails,  I drink my cheap wine and watch SNL. I feel like I should be out drinking with Hugo but my money isnt stretching as far as I had imagined. More than once ive considered using the credit card mom gave me but I don't want to prove them right. I want to make it on my own, I didn't realise how much It meant to be independent.

I need a job and I need one soon, with my days being occupied by school I need to work at night which makes my options considerably less. I've applied to work in a late night deli , a bar and as a waitress in a diner. My age and lack of experience is working against me, even with my frugal living I have enough money to last a month at the most before I need to turn to my parents for help.

"Get dressed bitch I've got you an interview" Hugo walks in my apartment unannounced and walks straight to my closet.

"Who interviews at midnight" I ask. I stand and walk towards him. He's holding my red bra and matching lace panties, I can't help but to smile, he looks so uncomfortable.

"And why are you holding my underwear, are you wanting to borrow it" I add.

Hugo throws the underwear at me before pulling out a little black dress and heels. " You still like to dance don't you"

I narrow my eyes "why, what's the job"

He covers his mouth and coughs, he tried to disguise his words but I hear him loud and clear.

"You must be joking, I can't be a stripper"

"Not a stripper, an exotic dancer"

I roll my eyes "dancing topless is a hard no"

"It's good money and you really dont have any other options. Hurry up and get fuckable, you meet the owner in half an hour"

I strip and start to get changed, Hugo doesn't blush or look away. He's totally unbothered by my naked body, it makes me laugh.

When I'm finally dressed Hugo fusses over my make up, I have to push him away numerous times. He moonlights as a drag queen so his idea of a male up is completely different to mine. We settle on smoky eyes and a red lip. Hugo almost pulls me from the apartment, he rushes us up the street all while trying to hail a cab.

We make it to the strip club with ten minutes to spare, it's dark with fluorescent lights. It's exactly what I expected it to look like, I feel dirty just being here I'm not sure how I could possibly work here. 

"There he is, that's Derek the owner" Hugo points at a balding man who's walking towards us. I feel my jaw drops, he's dressed head to toe in cheetah print.

"Your fucking with me" I hiss

"It's good money, its this or you move back in with your mom" Hugo hisses, I hate to admit it but he's right.

"Your right she's hot, nice tits too" he circles me, he speaks to Hugo like I'm not here.

"I can speak" I complain.

"I told you her mouth is her downfall" Hugo laughs. I hit him in his stomach making him wince.

"Your hired, you start tomorrow at 10" Derek turns around and walks away. I have so many questions,he hasn't seen me dance so how could he hire me.

"As long as you have nice tits the dancing doesn't really matter, the guys don't come to watch you dance" a raven haired woman says as she joins us.

"I'm Farrah, I work here too" Farrah is wearing a tiny purple dress that barely covers her round bottom.

"Savannah, this is my friend Hugo" she laughs as I offer her my hand, she does eventually shake it.

"Is the money good" Hugo asks.

Farrah nods "it's definitely enough to live on, last Sunday I made a thousand in a night"

"I've never done this before, I don't know how I feel About strangers looking at my boobs" just the thought of it makes me feel dirty.

"It's literally for like a minute, you can dance and tease and just remove your bra as the song ends. I know no kid dreams of being an exotic dancer but it's a job and you may not believe it now but it really does make you feel powerful up there having all those men at your feet worshiping you"

I nod, she's right I don't believe her but I have no choice. I need to give it a go, I dont want to give up my freedom without a fight.

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