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Grace tuts and shakes her head with disapproval as she walks around my apartment. Her finger glides across the work surface, she grimaces as sh dies so. I hadnt thought she would like my new home but seeing how much she hates it hurts a little.

"You cannot stay here, mom was right it's a death trap"

"I can get some guys over tomorrow to get it up to code, its not so bad" Howard comments earning him a glare from my sister.

"The offer still stands, you could live with us. I could even clear the pool house" he adds quickly, it's clear the two of them have been discussing what they were going to say on the way here.

"It's a shit hole"

"Adam watch your language" grace says before slapping the back of his head.

My oldest nephew Howie laughs, he already told me he thinks it's cool that I'm living in a crack den.

"I'm in the middle of everything, school is a subway ride away and it's only a walk away from work"

"Work, you work. Where do you work"

"Jeez grace you sound just like mom."

"Where do you work" she asks again.

"A club , no a bar. I serve drinks" it's the first thing I can think of.

"Bar work, I did bar work during college " Howard comments.

"Just shoot mom it will be a kinder death"

I roll my eyes "you know I'm anti gun"

"Sweetheart it's really not that bad, I'm sure it's a nice bar" 

Grace gives Howard a look before replying "no bar within ten minutes of here will be nice. If she doesn't get murdered in her apartment she will get murdered going to work"

"I waited so long for a sister and now she's gonna die before I get to be her birthing partner" she adds.

"What plannet are you on, I'm not having kids"

"I know not right now but in a couple of years"

"Grace even if by some miracle I decide I wabt kids you would not be my birthing partner"

Grace nods knowingly " ofcourse you want mom but if she's not available I could be there with you"

"Neither you or mom are being my birthing partner, I would have Howie in there before either of you"

Howie gags "no way, your not ruining vaginas for me before I even get to experience one "

"Who even says shit like that" Adam pushes Howie and scowls.

"Boys" Howard warns, grace is already rubbing her temples.

"What do you call it then" Howie asks pushing Adam back.


"Bearded clam"

"Meat curtains"

"Hand warmer"

I cringe, each name gets worse. My sister's face is red, she looks like she's about to explode.

"My personal favourite is cave of wonders" Adam adds.

"Your mom calls hers a flower" Howards jokes , grace whips her head around and gives him the dirtiest look.

"I always was into gardening" he says with a wink, i laugh much at my sisters annoyance.


Hugo and I sit on my bed with lemonade as Howards team of builders work around the apartment. When I told my friend sexy shirtless workmen would be in my apartment all day he had come straight over. I have to give it to my brother in law, he has some very sexy employees. A muscly guy called Aiden has my full attention as he repairs my crumbling wall. He's large with broad shoulders and thick facial hair, he's ruggedly handsome.

"He's a bear" Hugo whispers.

"A bear" I question.

"A masculine gay"

I shake my head, there's no way. I've seen him looking over at me more than once, he's the reason I made homemade lemonade and changed into my daisy duke shorts.

"I'm telling you, your wasting your time"

I refuse to believe him, I have a top notch sense when it comes to gay people. "My gaydar says no"

Hugo rolls his eyes. "I'm telling you he's gay, you definitely don't have gaydar"

"I knew you were gay since we were 13"

"Only because you caught me knocking one out over my dad's mens health magazine"

I grimace "that's not a memory I want to remember, I had nightmares For a month. "

"You were only pissed because you thought we would get married"

He's right, I had the biggest crush on him in middle school. He's handsome, funny and a great listener. "Who wouldn't want to marry a hot boy who knows his fashion and has unlimited charm"

"He's not gay, I'll bet you a dollar"

He purses his lips " a dollar and I choose what we're doing tonight"

I put out my hand, he follows my lead and we shake hands.

"How will I prove I'm right"

He rolls his eyes " I have an idea"

He stands and walks over to Aiden, how can someone look so sexy by just holding a hammer. I gasp as Hugo walks up to Aiden and runs his finger down his bicept, Aiden smiles and descreetly smack Hugo's ass.

"That's why he looks so comfortable with a hammer"

Hugo laughs " when you went to the store for lemons he was holding mine in his mouth"

I'm stunned, I was only gone ten minutes.

"Like you said I have charm, so tonight we're going to that new gay bar and Aiden is tagging along"

I point my finger at him " you cheat, you tricked me"

He shrugs " I told you he was gay"

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