Swimming Lessons

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Xavia had offered to give Dusk swimming lessons months ago, after she nearly drowned during their job in Nozama Rainforest and he saved her. Despite living with her and being aware of her schedule, she's been consistently making excuses to avoid the lessons. He's been lenient so far, much too lenient for someone like him.

Today, however, Xavia is determined to make her come to Aurelius' pool on the estate, even if he has to drag her there. Wearing simple blue swim shorts and a black tank top, he enters her room to find her listening to music while writing in her journal.

"Swimming lessons. Now," Xavia announces, leaning against the door frame with crossed arms and a determined glare in his dark eyes. The music from her headphones is loud enough for him to make out the tune, something upbeat and lively that makes him internally roll his eyes.

If there's one thing he's sure about, it's that Dusk can be just as obstinate as him when she wants to be, which irritates him greatly. But if him dragging her kicking and screaming will save them another near-drowning incident then so be it.

Dusk looks up from her journal, a surprised expression on her face. She pulls the headphones down around her neck, giving him a half incredulous and half amused look.

"Xav, you can't be serious," She protests lightly. Her eyes flicker to his swim gear and back again, feeling an unexpected flutter in her chest, "I told you before... I'm not ready," Her voice wavers slightly at the end of the sentence.

Xavia rolls his eyes at her feeble attempt to weasel out of the swimming lessons again. He pushes himself off from the door frame, walking towards her with a determined look.

"Your 'not ready' is going to get you killed on day," He retorts, crossing his arms over his chest and giving her an intense stare.

Her eyes widen at his harsh words, her mouth opening slightly as if to retaliate, only to be silenced by the stern look on his face. She knows he's right. Her fear of water had nearly cost them a mission once already and it could easily do so again in the future.

"Fine," She finally mumbles, removing her headphones completely, "But I'm telling you now... If I drown, I'm haunting your cranky ass for all eternity."

A smirk tugs at the corners of Xavia's mouth, his eyes gleaming with amusement, "I'll take my chances," He shoots back, leaving her room, "Get changed and meet me by the pool in 10 minutes."

Dusk watches him go, a sigh escaping her lips. She looks down at the journal on her desk for a moment before slowly closing it and standing up, "Alright... Swimming lessons," She murmurs to herself as she makes her way towards the closet to grab her swimsuit. 

Despite Xavia's reassurances, Dusk can't shake off the uneasy feeling that's twisting her stomach into knots.

Her bathing suit is a simple one-piece with a black and purple design. Dusk holds it in her hands, hesitating for a moment before taking off her shirt to change into it. Once she's finished getting dressed, she glances at herself in the mirror.

She finds herself thinking back on whether Xavia had ever seen her in a swimsuit before. The thought of him seeing her in such a vulnerable state makes her uneasy, stirring up questions about her own insecurities but she decides not to dwell on those feelings.

Grabbing a towel from the closet, she wraps it around her waist and heads out of the room towards the pool where Xavia should be waiting for her.

Dusk takes a deep breath as she approaches the pool, her heart pounding in her chest. Xavia is already there, standing by the edge of the water with his arms crossed over his chest. 

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