Chapter 12

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Harry's POV
"Harry. What was I doing?" Severus asked.

"You hated me to the core, always compared me to James, and never questioned why my hands used to shake and why I was skinny. Get yourself an inheritence. You will know why." I said

Severus nodded. He looked at Riverand, who put a parchment and a dagger on the table.

Severus cut his palm and let 7 drops fall on the parchment before he healed his hand. To say he was furious at the result would be an understatement.

"Can I get a purge?" Severus asked Riverand.

"Can we also get a purge?" Sirius asked for Remus and himself.

Riverand nodded and asked them to follow him. When Siri and Remmy left me and walked behind Riverand with Severus, Lucius asked, "You do know the Dark Lord is here?"

I nodded.

"What happened to me in that time?" Tom asked.

"When your body blasted away, half of your soul left the premises, where the remaining half stuck to me. I became a horcrux." I said.

"Then how did I die. You were definitely alive before you came back." Tom asked.

"I walked to my death. You asked for my life to spare the ones at Hogwarts. I destroyed all the horcruxes, except myself and Nagini. I knew one of my friends could kill Nagini, so I walked to you. You cast the curse. But what you didn't know was that I knew I was your horcrux before I walked to you. So you killed a part of your soul, not me. While you were happy that I was dead, my friend killed Nagini with the Gryffindor Sword. Then, in the duel between you and me, you died." I said.

Tom nodded.

"What happened when you knew about the bond?" Lucius asked.

"I asked for you to come to the place I was living in. When you knew about it and the rest of the things that happened to me, Draco asked for me to meet him first thing." I said as I walked to Draco.

I put my hands forward and waited if he would take mine in his. He did. I looked at Narcissa, and she nodded, so I took him into my arms. "I am sorry I rejected your hand in the first year. I didn't know what was happening in the magical world, but that doesn't make it okay. It was almost equal to a rejection. I am sorry about that. Please forgive me, Draco." I said.

"Potter, that would be enough." I heard. When I looked at Draco, he looked right into my eyes.

"You..." I didn't know what I should ask. Should I ask if he remembers, or should I ask if he forgives me, or if he wanted to reject me this time round.

Death appeared. "I gave him the memories. So that he could help you. He does have the Black blood, so he can use proper speech with his family magic, but he can not use the complete metamorphmagus skill." Death said.

I nodded.

He disappeared.

"Who was that?" Tom asked.

"That was Death." I replied to Tom's question.

"Draco?" Narcissa called.

"I got the memories when we entered the bank mother." Draco said.

Narcissa nodded.

"Is what he said the truth?" Lucius asked.

"Yes. Though he did omit what happened during his stay with the muggles." He said as he looked at Lucius. Then he turned towards me. "You didn't mention that you were close to dying." He said with anger.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to worry anyone. The twins got it out of me. So only they knew." I said.

Draco nodded.

Sirius, Remus, and Severus walked back to us.

"Draco remembers as well." Lucius said.

Severus was shocked, but he understood and nodded.

"What happened during your time in Hogwarts?" Severus asked.

I sighed.

"They didn't allow me to go to Hogwarts, so Hagrid came to pick me himself. He took me from them and helped me get things required for the school year. And helped me to the bank to get some money. That was when I knew that my parents were rich. They died in the war and were not due to a car accident. I know. That was what my dear relatives told me. My parents were drunk and died due to an accident.
I met Draco while getting my clothes fitted. But I didn't have enough time to talk as Lord Malfoy called for him.
I didn't know where to get into in the station. So as I walked, I heard the Weasleys talking about muggles. So, I went and asked Molly. She told me to go with Ronald. When I crossed the barrier, both Ronald and I sat together. When he asked for my name, I said it was Harry Potter. He started talking about how my parents were in Gryffindor, the house of good people, and that Slytherin was evil. And that was after what Hagrid had told me about dark wizards and death eaters coming from Slytherin.
When we reached school, Draco knew I was Harry Potter and extended his hand, and said a dialogue I didn't like. So I rejected his hand.
So when Draco was sorted into Slytherin, and it was my turn, the hat said I could do better in Slytherin, I begged for it to place me anywhere, but Slytherin." I said.

"You were supposed to be in Slytherin?" Draco asked.

I looked at him and nodded.

"The first class of potions was what I remembered a lot. Severus gave a grand entry and started about potions and that some of us were fools. I didn't know anything about potions, I bought the books mere a day before I boarded the train, so I had no time to read. When Severus asked me questions, I couldn't answer. But why he asked me was because I was putting my head down writing what he was talking about. But when he asked what I was doing, I had to look at him. When I tried to look at my table and tell that I was writing what he was telling, the parchment was gone. So he took a few points from the house." I said.

"Do you remember I wanted to talk to you after the first class, but the weasel stopped and picked a fight?" Draco asked.

I nodded.

"I wanted to talk to you and tell you that it was the weasel that took your parchment." Draco said.

"Why did you want to help me?" I asked.

"I knew you were my mate when I saw you sitting on the train with the weasel." Draco said.

"Then you should have held my collar and slapped me and said what you wanted to." I said.


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