Chapter 13

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Harry's POV
"Would you have listened?" Draco asked.

I nodded. "No matter who you were, if you would have said that before I was completely manipulated, I would have listened." I said softly.

"What happened in your Hogwarts years, pup? The remaining first year and the rest." Sirius asked.

"Dumbledore had the Philosopher's Stone, and yes, the same stone made by the legendary alchemist, Nicolas Flamel.
I didn't know we had the stone before the Christmas holidays. Granger found out about it when Hagrid blurted out about the stone.
Quirrell let a troll into the school. Though he just used the one Dumbledore wanted to use to protect the stone.
During the end of the year, we suspected the stone could be stolen, so we went to warn McGonagall, but she brushed us away. We had to take action.
First, we had to face a Cerberus, then go through Devil's Snare. Then, find the real key from a hoard of flying keys. Then we had to win a big, human sized version of Wizarding Chess. Ron won at his expense. He was injured. Granger and I moved forward. Granger knew which potion we should take. She gave me the one to go forward, and she took the one that would let her stay back.
Then I saw the Mirror of Erised. I saw it during the holidays.
Quirrell forced me in front of the mirror. The trick to get the stone out of the mirror was to want it but not use it. I wanted the stone but didn't want to use it, so I got the stone. Quirrell asked for the stone, and I didn't give it. When he tried to attack me, I held his face. I burned to dust with my touch.
That was the first year." I said.

"Why did Quirrell want to hurt you?" Severus asked.

"He was the Dark Lord." I said.

"How was he the Dark lord?" Tom asked. Draco looked at me, wanting an answer.

"When he tried to kill me back in that time, he was blasted away. The part that was blasted away found itself in Albania. Quirrell found the part of the Dark Lord's soul. The part of the soul attached itself to Quirrell. That was the reason he wore a turban. The stutter was completely unnecessary. He needed a reason for the turban, so he used the vanpires." I said, though the last part was for Draco.

Draco nodded.

"What about the second year?" Severus asked.

"The Chamber of Secrets was opened. Many students were petrified. During the dueling club, hosted by the fraud, Lockhart, we found that I was a parselmouth. I started hearing words like kill and all that sort. I tried following the voice, but it was no use.
By the end of the year, Ginerva Weasley was taken to the Chamber. Granger was petrified, but that was after the found how the Slytherin monster moved in the castle, through pipes.
I kind of instantly knew where the passage to the Chamber was. Ron and I were on our way when we found Lockhart trying to escape. So we took him along.
We reached the bathroom where Moaning Myrtle was there. Then I said open, in parsel,  near the basin that has snake engraved on the tap. The entire thing moved and opened to show a tunnel. We pushed Lockhart down. There was a small fight, where Lockhart tried to Obliviate us, but the spell backfired thanks to Ron's broken wand. But there was a small shake, and the roof of the tunnel broke and separated me from Ron and Lockhart. Since I could go save Ginerva, I went to the Chamber entrance. I opened it again.
I saw Ginny lying there. A lot happened. I had to face a basilisk, got bitten by saved, saved by Fawkes, and saved Ginny after I killed the Basilisk. That was the second year. Before you ask how a Weasley was able to open the Chamber, that was because she was influenced by the diary of the Dark Lord, which had a part of the Dark Lord's soul. I had to destroy the diary with the basilisk fang that pierced through my arm so that Ginny could live." I said.

Then I remembered the marriage contract Molly and Dumbledore wrote. I looked at Riverand and said, "Please let me know if Molly Weasley and Dumbledore try to make a marriage contract between Ginerva and me. Try to stall them as long as you can until Sirius and Remus can reach you." I said.

"What marriage contract pup?" Sirius asked. Remus was shaking in rage. He was trying his best to control Moony, but I could see that it was slipping.

"They tried to get me bound to Ginerva back in the time. I don't want that to happen." I said as I looked at Sirius.

"Moony, calm down. I know you are furious. I know you don't like what has happened to me. But I want you to calm down. We can't do anything to the coot yet. We have to wait. We have to wait until he makes a mistake. I know for sure that that would happen in my fourth year." I said.

Remus nodded slowly as his eyes got back to brown from amber.

"You think he will get the Triwizard Tournament back?" Draco asked.

I nodded.

"Fate and Death had asked me to change some things now. I have already changed that. Sirius didn't get chucked into Azkaban. My parents' will being read. I don't need to go to the Dursleys, Severus, Sirius, and Remus getting rid of the blocks in their system, me telling all of you what happened in that timeline so that we can prevent it from happening again.
We have to wait until my time in Hogwarts to slowly collect evidence against him. It will be difficult, thanks to how sly he is, but it would be worth it.
Fate said we would have gathered all evidence by the end of the fourth year. I think we can trust her." I said.

"But that was time when the Dark Lord came back." Draco said. He definitely remembered the tortures he had to go through. The was shaking. I held him closer and glared at Tom.


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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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