Clyde Santanna

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ReL Full Name: Clyde Jason Santanna
Aliases: Agent S,John Doe, Kenny Johnson, Will Kennedy, Colton smith, Jeremy "shogun." O'Connor, Mathew Cutis, Jason swagger.
Age: 30 but doesn't look any older than 25
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Birthday: February 16 1994
Species: human and vigorian Delta
Nationality/ethnicity ecuadorian
Languages Spoken: Spanish, French, Russian, Mandarin, English, vigorian Alpha, vigorian omega, Vigorian beta, Vigorian delta
Height: 5ft 11 inches
Weight: 170 LBS
Hair Color: raven black
Eye Color: purple

Powerss:longevity, energy manipulation, matter manipulation, enhanced physical attributes, regenerative abilities,

Skills: Powers/Skills: adept parkour and free runner, Parkour, advanced athleticism ,expert lock-picker, he is a expert marksman, he is a master hand to hand combatant(krav mega,Mauy Thai,kickboxing, Brazilian jui jitsu,judo,and boxing), master close range combatant (kenjitsu,escrows, and knife fighting)  expert pilot, precision driver, master lock picker, expert safe cracker, expert scout,master of disguise/gray man technique, urban tactician and strategist, it expert, forensic expert, master detective,expert chemist, It expert, and master tracker

Family tree

Mothers side
Mother: Aurora Danique, former princess of vigorian delta variant royal family, royal guard and security advisor for vigorian alpha royal family.
Relationship with her: Clyde had a close relationship with his mother until her death. Clyde will also occasionally seek out his mothers spirit in order to seek her advice and wisdom.

Grandfather: Ajax Danique former military general for the vigorian military forces, founder of the beta dynasty and head of the beta royal family.

Relationship with grandfather: prior to his funeral Clyde would visit and learn from his grandfather learning much about otheg planets history, his genetic background and abilities, vigorian history and politics, as well as learn vigorian military tactics and fighting styles. Clyde will occasional seek out his grandfather Ajax's spirit in order to agree his knowledge of vigorian history and plethora of military, political, and warfare knowledge.

Grandma: lily Danique former Queen of vigorian Delta royal family. Residing queen of vigorian beta royal family.
Relationship with grandmother: Clyde tries to visit his maternal grandmother frequently despite her political and planetary obligations.

Grandfather:Javier Santana, former slave and miner, father of Diego and Father Oscar santanna,
Relationship with grandfather: unknown
Grandmother: Claudia Santanna, wife of Javier santanna, mother to twins Diego and Clyde Satanna.
Relationship with grandmother: unknown
Father: Diego Santana
Relationship with him: complicated. Clyde has a complicated relationship with absent father Diego Santanna.
fathers brother/uncle: Oscar Santanna
Relationship with uncle: Clyde has a good relationship with his uncle although Clyde rarely visits his uncle.

Backstory: the story of Clyde Santana predates his birth and it's a long one so strap in because we are about to go on an adventure. Javier Santanna was a former mining and construction slave for a Spaniard generals for several years before Ecuador gained their  independence from Spain and Javier became a citizen of Ecuador. Javier was an instrumental figure in creating an economy for the newly established Ecuador and has utilized his knowledge as a mining and construction slave in order to build the infrastructure of the country initially, he met his wife and eventually started his own family. Javier Santanna's wife became pregnant with twin boys Diego and Oscar Santanna.

Oscar and Diego Santanna were birthed on July 3rd 1845 and the two became inseparable and had a very close bond at a very young that they maintained for a long time. unaware to their parents both Diego and Oscar were cursed with immortality. Diego and Oscar seemingly stopped aging sometime in their early 30s the twins were part of a rare sub catalogue of humans that would come to be known as mutants. Mutants have are rare phenomenon where a humans genetic code was altered through the process of evolution.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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