James king (pjo)

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Name: James king
Nickname: jimmy
Codename: Renegade
age: 17
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight.
Goodly parent: Hades
Appearance: black shaggy unkept hair and five o clock shadow, he has dark brown eyes, athletic build.
Normal attire: simple v-necks and jeans sometimes paired with a hoodie.
Battle attire: lightweight arm imperial gold arm bracers and celestial bronze chest plate, paired with black combat boots and a hooded dark grey cloak.
Blessings: He was blessed by Athena and Nike
Weight: 200
Height: 6'2

Weapons and gear: a all black sword of darkness that can turn into dual wield dagger. He has several different knives and daggers, Shirkin's, throwing knifes. . A smartphone with billions of every kind of money given to him by Hecate.

Skills master hand to hand combatant, master close range fighter,high intellect,advanced athleticism, adept marksman, and expert stealth operative

Powers: shadow travel. Absolute darkness(take away someone's sight), shadow healing, and all other powers of a child of hades.
Personality: Brave and courageous too he point of risking his life but only for someone he's close to. Is a little prideful but not quite arrogant or egotistical. Very intelligent and resourceful, loves looking at the pragmatic and reasoned side of the world. Is numb most of the time and distant from people due to his past.

Backstory: James was 11 whe he ran away from home because of his abusive stepfather. When James was running away for a few years a uncountable amount of hideous and horrific monsters hunted him. Then one time the  13 James stumbled upon a young woman that saved him from near death. The woman was Reyna Remieres Arellano for a year and a half he trained at camp Jupiter despite being a natural born Greek and the following year became reyna's bodyguard due to his skill despite , her not needing it a lot of the time. He dutifully protect preator Reyna during the legendary Jason's disappearance and soon fell in love with the young Latina, however he quickly realized he would never be loved the same in return. When it was discovered that a Greek camp in New York City he made haste fleeing from his guilt,sorrow, and his past.

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