Avatar the last airbender

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Name: Lee Kane
Age: 19
Gender: male
Element: Firebending

Likes: Meeting new people and Having fun

Dislikes: Firelord ozai and most of the fire nation. General Zhao and his armies. His father and family. Sokka's and Zuko at times.

Backstory: . His father right hand to general zhao would drunkenly beat lee behind closed doors. While lee would look to others in the military to seek out help from this injustice they mocked him and instead the beatings would increase. Eventually he took his fathers Rich's ran away to other places all over. Having settled in a small port town meant for trading he had found a small group of people running from what are essentially pirates and he helped them escape using a contraption of his to cover the persuers in smoke. The rest is yet to be determined

My oc'sTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon