Agent Jackson

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Name: he goes by Jackson no one knows his name

Nickname: Jack

Age: physically 21 real 106

Appearance: he has thick shiny black hair greesed into a Clark Kent type hairstyle and penetrating steely gray eyes. He tends to wear loose athletic clothing like sweats pants and hoodies.

Skillsets/powers: longevity, he has skill and power copy similar to that of taskmaster. He is a master hand to hand combat having extensive knowledge is various types of martial arts (Shaolin Martial arts, kickboxing, Muay Thai, Russian Krav mega, American boxing, Brazilian Jui jitsu, Judo, crane, monkey, tiger, dirty fighting, bar brawling, Capoeira, Wing Chun, Jeet Kune
Do, and many lesser known styles). He knows hials way around a firearm but one of his teachers taught him once you kill it gets easier to do so again Everytime. He skiled in various forms of close combat he is very skilled in silat, kenjitsu, and ninjitsu. He's spent many years sharpening his mind as well as his body and his efforts have paid off his knows about various philosophy's and cultures and can fluently speak Spanish, German, and Russian.

Personality: he tries to diffuse situation instead of immediately using violence and forcefully methods. He will always acheive anything he set his mind to. He is very confident although some people might call him cocky. Lastly you cannot get him to shut he just can't stop talking and has a sarcastic or smart Alec remark to nearly anything.

Backstory: he was born in 1914 and dropped of at an orphanage he never knew his parents. After several years around wh j he shouldve been fifteen he took up boxing as a fitness hobby and continued to study it. in 1943 he was a high ranking government scientist whose job was experiment making bombs and other deadly chemicals and in a freak accident he gained ability to majorly enhance his overall understanding of any subject and thus making any skill super easy to aquire. Due to his apparently born longevity he went on a journey of self Discovery and knowledge until in the eighties he by approached by a shield agent a young up and coming Nick fury. He joined shield for a bit and retire after killing the terrorists that caused 911.

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