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Name: Shepherd Harper
Nickname: shep
Age: 14
Sexuality: straight
Gender: male
Crush: Cassie
Nemesis: tim drake robin.
Skillsets/powers: master marksman/archer, master hand to hand combat, parkour expert, demolition expert, master lock picker, expert safe cracker, expert scout, Eagle vision, expert close combatant, master of disguise/gray man technique, urban tactician and strategist, healing factor can slow down time slightly and is highly persuasive.

Personality: charming, witty,sarcastic, and humorous are the words most people would use to describe Shepard as. He appears  charming and confident but deep down is jut a scared and broken boy he lived a hellish life in the future he came from and he saw and endured things no child should have to but he uses that motivations to stop the invasion here and now. He puts on a brave front and a persona of badass to keep others from seeing this side of him but when it comes fighting crime of battle he is the kind of guy you want on your side.

Backstory: he's that guy that everyone thinks has the perfect life but is secretly living a hard one Shepherd comes from the same future that Bart Allen comes from. He puts on a Charades, he's the ultimate actor he hides his feelings behind the mask of the untouchable charmingly sarcastic badass people think he is. Shepherd never had a family until he met the team and he never met someone he was willing to die for. Also he tends to be very hateful towards Tim because Cassie/wonder girl chose him over shepherd. only Bart Allen knows about his heritage and it probably for the best considering the world doesn't need another Harper after there are three of them.  He's an actor a really good one as he's constantly trying to disguise his feelings the only people he's opened up to were Cassie and then black canary. He'd only started to date Cassie and he had opened up to her some about how he truly felt but apparently she had stronger feelings for Tim than she had for him as Cassie had broken it off to Pursue a relationship with the robin. Shepherd couldn't help but feel betrayed and upset as he still harbored feeling for her.

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