chapter 41.

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Chan woke up to an anonymous call and he nearly declined it because who in the right state of mind decided to call at eight in the morning, especially when you don't know that person.

He answered groggily and he was met by a woman's voice on the other side who told him that the sample that he'd sent over for auditioning to be a producer was accepted. His sleep dissipated immediately and he sat up.

After being instructed on when to start which was the following week by the way he hung up. He couldn't believe it. Even though the agency wasn't the best in the industry it was still one of the best.

He quickly went to take a shower and made himself some breakfast while dancing to Halazia as he remembered how he folded that one time Minho taught them the choreo.

"Should I call Minho right now or should I wait?" He smiled and bit his lip. He could imagine the look of pride and adoration on Minho's face when he finally tells him the good news.

He couldn't wait for Minho to come home so he could tell him. Chan tried anything and everything to speed up the time. It's not like he could speed it up though, it was just to keep him occupied so time could pass by faster.

He watched cartoons to keep him busy. He was so pissed when he found that only thirty minutes had passed and he switched to watching movies.

Even though he was watching the movie his mind was still on the good news and all he wanted was to see his mate. When he thought that he wanted to move out a few days ago because he hadn't got the job he realized that sometimes his brain needed a good wash with some Kleenex.

Chan tried to hold himself but he really couldn't so he called Minho there and then. Minho didn't answer his phone and Chan huffed as he continued with his movies.

After some time it was lunch and he huffed knowing he was going to wait until the evening until he saw Minho. Well that didn't last long because Minho barged in through the door.

"Minnie Minnie Minnie baby I've got good news." He basically screamed as he ran to the door. Minho's scent made him weak to the knees and he nearly fell if it wasn't for Minho holding him.

From the strength of Minho's scent and the way sweat was forming on his forehead it was very clear that Minho's rut was starting or had started but something in between the two.

His white shirt that  he'd wore in the morning was slightly unbuttoned in the first buttons and was folded up to the elbows. Chan's eyes trailed from Minho's hair to Minho's dark eyes and that chest before slowly going down to his crotch.

Chan gasped and waited for Minho to say something however there was no need for that as Minho's mouth found something better than talking to do.

Chan surrendered to the kiss as Minho's hand pulled him closer and groped his butt. Their tongues swirled and tasted each other and Chan whimpered when Minho bit his tongue.

They parted after a while as Chan started to feel breathless." Min." Chan moaned and closed his legs which wasn't really helpful with Minho's scent driving him insane with lust and desire for his mate's touch.

"I need you baby. Right now." Was all Minho said. Chan shivered at the husky voice and Minho's breath caressing his earlobe." Then claim what is yours Alpha." Chan breathed before Minho's lips attacked his neck.


Chan was sleeping with his mouth slightly open and soft little snores came out of his mouth. The poor baby was tired and his whole body was littered with purple marks.

Minho chuckled a little when he felt Chan's drool on his chest and he brought him even closer. Chan woke up due to the movement and he whined as he wanted to sleep some more.

"Shh I'm sorry honey." Minho said softly and patted Chan's head. He played with Chan's hair as he told him how much he loved him and how he would give everything up for him.

Chan woke up a few minutes later." You've finally woke up." Minho helped Chan up and Chan buried his face in the crook of Minho's face as he told him that he needed to go to the bathroom.

Minho took him to the restroom and he came out after a while and he was carried back to bed." I've made you some food. Ahh" Minho opened his mouth to indicate that Chan should do the same and the older did the same as Minho fed him.

After some time Chan finished eating and they cuddled and laid in bed." Well my love you said you had something to tell me when I arrived. Could you tell me now?" Minho asked and Chan grinned.

"I got a job and I'm starting on Monday." Chan smiled and Minho's smile formed and his eyes disappeared. Chan looked at him as he remembered that this was the same picture he was imagining a few hours ago.

"Tell me you're not lying! Well done. I knew my baby would make it through." Minho smiled and Chan nodded with a smile. Minho pulled Chan to his chest some more as he congratulated him and telling him how much he believes in him to chase his dream and how proud he was of him.

"Now you called me something earlier on. What was that?" He asked and Chan blushed as he fiddled with his fingers. He'd said it in a hurry and he was too excited and now he was too shy to say anything.

"Minnie." Chan said and Minho raised his eyebrow at him." Baby." Chan whispered and hid his face in Minho's chest. Minho flipped them over suddenly and attacked Chan's lips with his.

Chan moaned softly into the kiss and held onto Minho's shoulders for support. By the time they parted the both of them were hard and Chan could feel the dominance dripping from his mate and automatically he barred his neck to him in submission.

"From today you're not allowed to call me anything else. I've long waited for you to call me that." Minho kissed Chan's neck and the older trembled slightly with a whimper.

" I wanna ravish you so bad." Minho whispered and Chan closed his legs with a moan." Screw time and age, I wanna see you carrying our little pups." Minho kissed Chan's forehead." Then make it happen my alpha. Let's fulfill our deepest desire tonight." Chan brought Minho closer for a kiss.

To be continued

Thanks for the 23K reads people 😭❤️ and most importantly thanks for your comments, they just make my day somehow💙😂. I know I rob you people but what can I do?

And yes this book is continuing. I don't know for how many chapters though 😂 and if you've a problem talk it out with @minholythighs22. S/he's the one who requested that there should be some pups and a wedding😂😂 so who am I to deny y'all's wishes?

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