chapter 46

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Minho woke up to Chan's tap in the shoulder. He looked at the time which read half past twelve midnight and focused on Chan.

"What is it honey?" He asked." M-Min t-the...." Chan gasped as the pain ripped through his abdomen and he clenched his teeth.

"It's okay. I got you' he said before pulling his sleepy body from the bed. He supported Chan as they went to the car. Chan's night dress was already damp with the amniotic fluid. The two rushed to the hospital and Minho called his parents along with Jeongin and his mate.

The two reached the hospital and due to the small dilation Chan had to wait writhing in pain. Minho paced up and down the corridor in worry and concern about his mate's condition.

"Son, pacing up and down the corridor won't help. Try to stay calm and relax." Mrs Lee said softly. She understood that Minho was nervous and it would be suspicious if he was not but he needed to stay strong for his mate.

" It's not your mate in there right? There's nothing of yours at stake here right? Then you won't understand" he spat.

Mrs Lee's eyes widened in shock. Instead of feeling angry for Minho's behavior she felt concerned for her son. It was a rare sight for Minho to be that nervous.

"Hyung you have to be fine. For Chan hyung, for your babies, for your family. If Chan hyung sees you right now he's going to freak out." Jeongin said gently and gave him some water.

Minho drank the water and tried to calm down. Everytime he tried to go into the labour room he would just return right on the doorstep. Being there for his mate didn't seem enough.

He wanted to take the pain and relieve his mate but that wasn't an option he had. The only choice was to go in the labour room and be there for his mate like a good alpha.

After making sure that he calmed down and that he was ready to see his mate he went into the labor room.

The sterile whiteness of the hospital room seemed to suffocate Chan as he lay on the bed, his body contorted in agony.

The rhythmic beeping of the fetal monitor echoed through the room, a constant reminder of the life-and-death battle raging within him.

Sweat dripped down his forehead, his hands clenched tightly around the bedrails, and his breaths came in short, sharp gasps.

Minho stood by his side, his face etched with worry and fear. He held his hand, his grip tight, as if trying to anchor his mate to this world. His eyes were bloodshot from sleepless night and endless hours of pacing the hospital corridors.

"It's going to be okay my love " he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "You're doing great. Just a little while longer."

Chan tried to smile through the pain, but it felt more like a grimace. He had been in labor for hours now, each contraction more intense than the last. He had read all the books about labor but nothing could have prepared him for this.

Suddenly, a sharp pain ripped through his abdomen, and he cried out in agony. The monitors beeped wildly, and the nurses rushed into the room, their voices dripping with urgency.

"Chan we need you to push!" nurse Yunho said but Chan was far too gone to register whatever was being said at the moment.

With a primal scream, Chan pushed with all his might, the world around him fading into a blur of pain and exhaustion. He felt as if he were being torn apart from the inside out, every muscle in his body straining against the inevitable.

And then, finally, he heard it. The unmistakable cry of a newborn baby filled the room, a symphony of life amidst the chaos. Tears streamed down Chan's face as he collapsed back onto the bed, his little energy spent.

"It's a boy!" one of the nurses exclaimed, holding the tiny bundle of joy in her arms. "He's perfect."

Minho leaned over to kiss Chan's forehead, his eyes brimming with tears of joy. "You did it, sweetheart," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I'm so proud of you. Just one more my love"

But their moment of bliss was short-lived as another contraction ripped through Chan's body, more intense than any before. He cried out in agony, his muscles seizing with pain as he struggled to catch his breath.

"The second baby is breach. We need to perform an emergency C-section." Doctor Yeonjun said calmly despite the with urgency that was loud and clear in his voice.

Panic gripped Minho's heart as he watched helplessly, his mind reeling with fear and uncertainty. He felt as if the ground were slipping away beneath his feet, leaving him suspended in a void of despair.

"Mr Lee we need you to step outside now." Dr Yeonjun said as he instructed the nurses on the instruments to bring for the operation.

"What do you mean step outside? This's my boyfriend right here" Minho breathed in disbelief as he held Chan's hand tightly trying to soothe him and help him relax.

"Mr Lee we're the doctors here and we know what we're doing so please step outside." the midwife said with a bit of urgency making the situation to seem even more perilous in Minho's eyes.

He was about to protest when Chan gripped his hand tightly. Minho shook his head with tears streaming down his face. Chan gave him a weak smile and nodded indicating that he should listen to the doctors.

Another contraction hit making Chan to close his eyes and breathe deeply his chest rising up and down." Ch-Chan, my love I can't leave." Minho's tears fell.

Chan tugged onto him and Minho's hand and he leaned to listen to what Chan had to say. "Go," Chan whispered, his voice barely a whisper." Go and take care of our babies. Tell them mommy loved them so much."

Before Minho could say anything the security guards came and dragged him out of the room. He cried his lungs out as Chan's words kept echoing in his head.

To be continued

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