Season 0 Episode 10 Too Close For Comfort

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Few days later (20 days till extermination)

Y/n: okay let's see here, carry the 7 and then we.... Dude screw math I'll just use A.I.

You grab your phone but then you hear the doorbell ring.

Y/n: oh thank God I need a break.

You answer the door to see your friends friends all with there school stuff

Y/n: um what are you guys doing here?

Cameron: we figured we have a little study session the 5 of us.

Y/n: (sigh) and just when I thought you guy's saved me from the cruel and unusual punishment known as studying.

Troy: nope

They all walk into your house

Y/n: (sarcastic) great

You close the door and head back to grab your stuff and go to the kitchen table. Where everyone else is. You then sit with the rest of them and get back to studying.

20 minutes later

Cynthia: (sigh)

Ember: having trouble Cynthia?

Cynthia: it's this stupid grammar, I can't figure it out.

Cameron: I hear you, I mean why should I have to know old English grammar?

Troy: what like how "you are" becomes "thou art"

Cameron: exactly, I mean no one talks like that anymore.

Y/n: yep, no one in this life time.

Cynthia: I need a break. Can I use the bathroom?

Y/n: you ain't gotta ask Cynthia, we might be studying but we're not a school.

Cynthia: thanks

Cynthia gets up from the table and heads to the bathroom upstairs. Once she reaches it she then stops and looks at your bedroom door

Cynthia: y/n's room, haven't been in there before..... Maybe just a little peak won't hurt.

She enters your room and to her surprise it looks decently clean, could be better but still clean.

Cynthia: okay y/n what kind of stuff do you have on you.

What immediately caught her eye was a pretty crystal sitting next to the TV and she picks it up. (I think you know the one)

Cynthia: I didn't realize he was interested in things like Crystals, it's surprisingly shiny and really pretty, I wonder if I could get one of these, wherever he got it from (sets it back down) what else is here

She then sees a sword hanging on your wall and immediately got interested

Cynthia: man if he has a sword maybe it's Y/n that's the anime freak of the group.... Is it real? (grabs the sword and slightly pulls it) wow, interesting design almost like it's glowing wait (looks closer) Is it glowing?..... No way (puts it back) nothing like that glows Okay what else is here?

She couldn't really find anything worth wild she saw some pretty normal things like Videogames, clothes and a body pillow of (insert character here) but when she was about to leave she had one more idea, she looks under the bed and sees a box that to her luck (and our unfortunate luck) it seems that it was still unlocked she grabbed it and looked at it.

Cynthia: I wonder what's in here? Could be some old videogames, maybe a few pictures, perhaps a gun? (laughing at that last one)

She goes to open the box.

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