Chapter 3

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Jimin & tae pov

Jimin: hiii! You awake?
Tae: can't you see *laughed a little*
Jimin: yeah I can't, my eyes to small to see you*laughed at his joke*
Tae: well thats true, i can't even see you cause you're to small*smirked at his joke*
Jimin: yah thats to personal*became serious*
Tae: btw why you here? Is those 2 dorks done with their punishment?
Jimin: yeah the last time i saw them they are resting in the garden and you how are you feeling?
Tae:good, im feeling good and the nurse told me that my fever is gone but still need rest
Jimin:then that means we can go now?
Nurse: oh im sorry but not until jungkook come back
Jimin: why?*frowned*
Nurse: he told me not to let taehyung to leave until he came back to make sure taehyung had a proper rest
Jimin:oh ok then we'll wait a little more
Tae: btw he seems weird!?
Jimin: how? Like how weird is he?
Tae: you know how much he doesn't give a damn to anyone making him be callef as the "ice king"
Jimin: yeah i know, then?
Tae: I've noticed that he acts rudes many times to me whenever i stopped him from fighting but acts caring whenever im hurt, isn't it weird?
Jimin: well yeah but i heard that he is like that also in his previous school
Tae: well that make sense, btw when will that man come im getting bored!
Kook: finding me?
Tae: finally you're here, nurse will go now*smiled to nurse*
Nurse: oh yes, also remeber to rest properly ok?*smiled*
Tae:i will no wories
Kook:....... Btw our punishment are done so we'll leave now*cold tone*
Tae&jimin:yeah you both can go now

Then kook left and tae&jim go to the garden to check if they really cleaned the garden well, and when they reached their they really did see no trash left it was carefully cleaned

Tae: seems like they enjoyed cleaning *smirk*
Jimin: well maybe they just dont want to be punished more if they dont clean it properly*jokingly*
Tae: hahaha let's go now i have to rest
Jimin: okie boss*laughed*

On their way to their dorm all they do is talk about what happened after taehyung was carried away to clinic and jimin told him everything that some students even proposed and alot of confession happened in the dating booth and some are just literally playing around all booths and yeah indeed some incident happen but jimin was able to handle it perfectly and yeah that some confession are for jimin, alot of students confessed their feeling by giving a rose to him and some even said that they want to confess to taehyung to but can't so they dicided to tell jimin to just give the flowers to tauhyung and those flowers has letter in it.

Jimin: oh btw all the flowers they gave me to bring to you, i put it on your desk just if you wanna read it.
Tae: seriously, how many are those?
Jimin: alot! Literally lots of them!! Want me to help you read? *jokingly*
Tae:you want?
Jimin:of cou-
Tae:to get punch!
Tae:Good now go to your dorm room

They are both now infront of dorm room no.27 at 4th floor, when taehyung told jimin to go to his dorm room jimin & tae just also realize that they are in same dorm room as they haven't transfer to their dorm yet so this is their first time coming here, and yes jimin now tae's dorm room but jimin doesn't know hia yet and he just checked it on the spot while infront of Taehyung's dorm room and realization hits him hard. Jimin didn't just found that tae is his roommate but jungkook and jack too, making them totally shocked and made them think twice and multiple times if should they go inside or go back home instead but knowing its night already they've got no cjoice but to stay in dorm so they just entered the dorm quietly thinking both jack and jungkook might be sleeping now as they just finished cleaning the garden but to their shock when they opened the door jungkook was still awake and on his laptop doing some things.

Tae: you're still awake!?
Kook: oh yeah...W-Wait... Taehyung?!
Kook: what are you doing here?? *comepletely confused*
Tae& jimin:to sleep in our dorm
Kook:oh so you both are our dorm mate? What a luck i have!
Jimin: well I'll say the dean got good choice*sarcastic*
Tae: hahaha, enough lets go to sleep im tired, oh btw jungkook!
Tae: where's your bed?
Kook:both i and jack are at the right side so the left are vacant
Jimin:cool I'm not in same side as you both dorks!
Kook:what did you just say!?
Tae: stop it you both! Its night time, its almost lights off so go to bed and sleep*on his way to his bed*

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