Chapter 12

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Jimin: tae, you're awake?
Tae: are you both here to fight? Cause if yes please leave
Kook: no we're not but can you tell why you're suffering from insomia, stress, depression and trauma? Cause that is just to much!
Tae: that is none of your business!
Jimin did you call my parents?
Jimin: no, not yet and i know you dont want to see them
Tae: *nods* and you?
Kook: Oh I'll take my leave

After jungkook left jimin told taehyung he'll just take the medicine prescribed by the doctor.
After taking the prescribed medicine he also go straight and bought the medicine and on the way back to hospital someone saw him and .....

Jimin: kimber? I.....I *nervous*
Kim: you what!? What is it!!??
Jimin: *sigh* tae is here *looked down*
Kim: Tae? What would he do here?
Jimin: he is confined here kimber
Kim: 😶 what? Tae......taehyung? Confined?? What happened?
Jimin: I'll explain later for now answer me why are you here?
Kim: I passed by here! As i was hanging out with some friends,
So where is he?
Jimin: lets go inside he also need to eat and drink his medicine

After that they went inside and kimber was so shocked seeing hiw pale taehyung was, jimin also prepare tae's food and made sure he finished it before making him drink his medicine

Tae: why are you here kimber?
Kim: you tell me! Why are you confined here? and you look so weak!
Tae: just got into an accident in school and passed, im fine hmm
Kim: fine my ass, taehyung! You look so damn terrible and you're saying you're fine!!
Tae: i am indeed fine the doctor even said i can go home after 3 days *patted her head* now stop worrying, ok?

Kim: tell me the truth *pout* what did the doctor say jimin
Jimin: just as taehyung said but fine I'll tell you in detail, you know me and him are a student council president and vice pres right?
Kim: yes and then?
Jimin: a fight between two students happened during break so we have to step in and stop the fight and while we're stoping it tae got pushed and hit his head preetty badly
Kim: *looked at tae in anger* AND YOU SAID YOU'RE FINE!! IS THAT FINE TO YOU!!
Tae: ok ok im sorry i lied but im fine now
Kim: jimin lets talk outside! *Dead serious*
Jimin:ok, come on and calm down a bit

After they went outside jimin made kimber sit in one of the chair putside and bought some drink in vending machine and gave it to kimber to calm her a bit before talking

Jimin: so? What you wanna talk about
Kim: i want to transfer
Jimin: you what? Wait..... Why??
Kim: transfer me to your school and start at monday since monday is after 3 days
Jimin: Tell me first, why? Cause i wont transfer you without a proper reason
Kim: i wanna take care of taetae and I'm done with my ex bf now so there is no reason to stay at that school and..... I missed to be with you *pout*
Jimin: Aish *goes to kimber and hugged her knowing what her sister want is far away from her ex* ok ok i will I'll talk to the dean, so stay here with tae and take care of him properly, I'll go fix your documents for transferring *kissed her forehead*

After that jimin left while asking some nurse to watch over taehyung for him as he will be away and will come back at night

Kim: taetae? How you feeling *hold his hand*
Tae: Good 😊 btw where's jimin?
Kim: oh he goes home to take some of your clothes for your 3 days stay here
Tae: what did you both talk about? Did you fight?
Kim: No we didn't, i just ask him a favor
Tae: and that is?
Kim: a secret, you'll know it soon

Jimin pov

I came home and take all the documents of kimbers transfer and go to her school to collect her grades teport and finally go straight to our university and head straight to the dean as he said he still at school working on some files when i called him on my way home

D'joon: come in
Jimin: mr. Kim? Im here to talk to you
D'joon: oh jimin, what is it about and btw how's taehyung?
Jimin: he is fine now and just need to stay at hospital for 3 days, and im here to transfer my sister
D'joon: That's great tell him I'll visit tomorrow, and about transferring why suddenly?
Jimin: oh my sister just missed studying together with me and tae so she wanna transfer here and here are her documents and reports from her previous school
D'joon: *looking at kimber's files and reports* hmmm her grades are good and it is high enough to enter "Oush"  (name of university in introduction)
Jimin: can she start at monday already sir? Just to be sure!
D'joon: of vourse she can it's also fine to start early to be able to adjust faster
Jimin: thank you sir
D'joon: I'll work on her transferring so dont worry anymore and just take care of taehyung!
Jimin: yes sir thank you *bowed and left*

Jimin goes straight to tae's house to take some of his clothes for the 3 days stay in hospital

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