Some of the people Wendy murdered b4 she quit her former job as a hitwoman

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TW: Mentions of murder and child abuse

1. Dr. Lecter

Relationship with Wendy: Former creator, former abuser

Cause of death: Wendy's (until then) dormant wendigo instincts being triggered as he killed her biological siblings, getting mauled and eaten as a result.

What Wendy would have been charged for had she been caught: Second degree murder and involuntary manslaughter (she'd also be charged with cannibalism, but there's no laws in the US abt cannibalism last I checked)

2. Franklin White

Relationship with Wendy: Former killing buddy, unrequited crush (from Frank's side)

Cause of death: Frank was paid to betray and kill Wendy. However, Wendy ended up fighting back and killed him in self-defense.

What she would've been charged for had she been caught: Involuntary manslaughter

3. Hillbilly Magee/McGee

Relationship with Wendy: Acquaintance

Cause of death: Wendy was paid to kill him due to her employer having beef with him. She initially opted to smother him in his sleep, but before she could go thru with it, she found out that he was immortal and that humans granted with immortality can only be killed either if she destroys what made them immortal in the first place, they are injected with the blood of a skinwalker, or have their heart torn out of their chest and eaten by a Wendigo.

To ensure that he'll stay dead, she first found the object that made him immortal, stole it from him, and then ripped his heart out and ate it before destroying the object that made him immortal.

Due to him having passed on his immortality to his children and grandchildren, his death led to their demises as well.

What she would have been charged for had she been caught: First degree murder, homicide (do genocide and involuntary manslaughter also count if she only intended to kill him, but ended up indirectly getting his children and grandchildren killed as well?)

4. Harold Walker

Relationship of Wendy: Mutual hatred

Cause of death: Due to him being more abusive and aggressive in comparison to his canon counterpart, Wendy's always hated him and plotted to murder him, but never went through with it until her employer paid her to murder him. She proceeded to then murder him by bludgeoning him in his sleep.

What she would have been charged for had she been caught: First degree murder, homicide


B4 u say anything, keep in mind that:

1. Wendy is currently 16, was abused and enslaved, and had to do hitwoman work starting from the young age of 10 bc it was the only way she could have food to eat and continue living. She's just a child who's been through too much and is currently healing now that she was adopted into a family who truly love and care about her, flaws and all.

2. She only kills if the person is an a-hole and has crossed the line at that point or if she was paid to do so.

3. She eventually quit her job as a hitwoman (and killed her employer when he attempted to beat her up for it) not only to ensure that her adoptive parents' reputations as gov agents wouldn't be ruined, but also to ensure that she wouldn't be dragging her family into any crap that could endanger them or worse. So despite all the murders she's committed, she's still a nice person beyond all that.

And in case you're wondering: she was never caught bc she was very swift and careful; always wearing gloves and putting her hair up, making sure no one's around, either eating or burning whoever she murders, etc.

So...yeah. She is def the most screwed up character I've ever made, but she's not completely an a-hole. Keep that in mind.

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