Isla's life b4 adoption

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Timeline of Isla's childhood:

May 12, 2007:

-Isla is born to Ares and an unnamed Ceasg by River Isla, a tributary of River Tay in Angus and Perthsire, Scotland.

-Zeus electrocutes her bio mom and forces Ares to abandon her, threatening to kill her if he does not comply and also threatens to kill her if he sees her anywhere in Scotland and/or Greece.

-Knowing this, Ares first sends Isla to live in the Philippines, appointing a cousin of his that was half-Pinay to take care of her.

May 2, 2008

-Weeks before Isla's 1st birthday, her caretaker dies and circumstances happen that lead to her moving to England with another half-relative taking care of her.

-She was always getting sick in the winter lmao.

-She was asleep, like, 24/7.

May 6, 2011

-6 days before Isla turns 4, Zeus strikes again and decides: "Nope, I ain't lettin her caretaker live" so he kills Isla's caretaker in the UK, leaving her no choice but to move places again, this time moving to ✨️ tHe lAnD dOwN uNdEr ✨️ (aka Australia).

-She was okay with reading but hated writing lol.

-This was the start of a temporary phase where her favorite color was blue instead of pink.

May 3, 2013

-An almost 6-year-old Isla then moves to the Province of Savona, Italy after her caretaker in Australia bids life a farewell.

-Due to her caretakers in Italy having already made arrangements to move before they adopted her, she didn't get a chance to adapt to Savona bc she moved to Venice two weeks later.

May 4, 2016

-The almost 9-year-old Isla then moves to South Tyrol, another province in Italy, and is horrified when she finds out that the official languages of the said province are Italian, German, and Ladin and even more so when she realizes that she has to learn all three.

-This was the year that she starts learning cursive handwriting, which she has incorporated into her normal handwriting (albeit with some unique twists on it).

May 1, 2017

-An almost 10-year-old Isla's caretakers in Italy die (this one was on Hera this time) and she moves to Oslo, Norway.

-She's horrified at the amount of dialects and is thankful that she's not forced to learn all at once.

-This year was the end of her liking blue phase and was the start of her having pink as her favorite color instead.

-This was when her mermaid abilities began to develop, and given that all her caretakers were related to her biological father in some way, it was less awkward for them because they knew and were able to tell her the truth.

May 12, 2019

-The 12-year-old Isla moves to America due to her caretakers noting that she's more comfortable speaking English (as well as the fact that she's had mental breakdowns over having to speak Norweigan every single day) and figuring that she would thrive better if she lived in a place where she could speak English more often.

-They end up living next to the Koslov(a) family, who are very welcoming towards them and help them fit in and adapt to life in America.

-She hits it off with Krus, Rsch, Vlad, and Hecate and she ends up seeing the family as her own as well.

May 22, 2020

-Her caretakers die protecting her from Zeus' wrath (when she did nothing wrong and Zeus is only out to get her just bc he hates the fact that she wasn't born from a human-god(dess) union) and sees mermaids as ugly deformed freaks in this canon).

-With their dying breaths, they entrust Vlad and Hecate to care for her, to which they accept with bittersweet smiles.


Other moments of her life:

1. June 23, 2021- She and her adoptive family meet Wendy and eagerly accept her into the family with open arms.

2. August 1, 2022- She and her adoptive family meet Luna, feeling sympathy for her when her biological father dies, but eager to take her in.

3. October 12, 2022- Her adoptive parents are wed, with Isla eagerly doing her mom's makeup and, along with her great-grandfather, sings at the wedding reception.

4. October 5, 2023- She and Ares reunite and she immediately forgives him and eagerly accepts him back into her life, having already gotten the closure she needed years ago. She also gets along with Aphrodite over their shared interest in makeup.


Languages she's learned over the years and how fluent she is in it:

1. English- Growing up, she spoke English a lot and a lot of the media she consumed was in the English language, so she's most comfortable and fluent in English.

2. Norwegian- She has a better time understanding it than speaking it and struggles to express herself in said language, but can still have a conversation in full fledged Norwegian (if the person can put up with her stuttering and stumbling a little lol).

3. Italian- Same as Norwegian.

4. German- She can understand German, but can't speak it well. She remembers the basic expressions and some phrases needed for when you're gonna travel to Germany, but other than that, she forgot everything else

5. Ladin- She already forgot everything due to not speaking it that much while still being forced to learn it.

6. Russian- Due to her adoptive family's Slavic roots, she, Wendy, and Luna are learning Russian for their sake. She can understand a lot of it, just needs to work on speaking and expressing herself with it.

7. Bulgarian- She and her sisters have also taken to learning Bulgarian as well. Like with Russian, she can understand it well but needs to work on speaking.

8. French- Due to Wendy knowing French, she and Luna have also been getting into learning French so that they can have conversations about things that their adoptive family doesn't approve of/condone. However, due to Sarv knowing every language in the world, they take care to not speak of those topics when she's in the room.

9. Greek- In order to get more in touch with her Greek-Scottish heritage, she's gotten into learning Greek. She's only recently gotten into it, so she still needs work on it.

10. Scottish Gaelic- Same as Greek.

She speaks in the Standard American accent, but whenever she speaks another language, her American accent is like; "Okay, I'mma head out" 🤣

In addition, she does remember some of the Filipino words she learned during her time in the Philippines, but isn't very fluent in it.

The school she and her sisters go to specializes in teaching non or half-American students, in addition to English, their native languages (as well as other languages if they want to and can handle it), but due to circumstances that will be revealed later on, she can't go to school and thus has to learn the languages at home.

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