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James King Fitzroy

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James King Fitzroy

Mom and dad told us that they would spend this week meeting with their lawyer. The lawyer was a woman called Praise Kwakye, a younger sister of Pastor Stuart Kwakye. He recommended her to them. Dad had resigned from his job to focus on the case. He needed a good lawyer who was also affordable. Praise charged him a low fee because of her brother. She was good at her job from what mom and dad told me. She was a partner in a top tier law firm in the city. She loved her brother because he had paid her tuition whilst she was in school so she sometimes did pro bono work for him. Dad didn't want it to be pro bono so she agreed to slash her fees for him.

"How about Sabrina Barre's defense?" I asked dad.

"Her brothers must have hired a good lawyer for her," he said.

I hope they find her guilty dad. I feel like she will try to spin the story in her favor, Kemi has told everyone that her mom got burn scars on her hands when she was in Somalia.

"That is a lie," he said. I have photos of us before she got burnt by acid. That is our evidence against her claims. Why were you talking to Kemi?

We fought last week because of something she said. Addie, stay away from Kemi, she's as dangerous as her mother. Believe me.

"The HM has approved the organizing committee," Eloise told me at school. The only challenge is that we have failed to agree on the Prom theme. Mae and Andrew want it to be a masquerade ball. Cameron wants an under the stars theme. Uma and King want a Midnight in Paris theme while I want a black and white affair. What do you want, Addie?

An enchanted forest theme, you know I love plants.

"See, everyone wants something of their own," she said. Last year, the year 13's theme was a masquerade ball. The year before that, Midnight in Paris. Under the stars, is a little boring to me. A black and white affair is the only theme that people have never done in this school.

Why not put it to a vote? Let the whole class vote for what theme they want for their prom.

"I like that idea," she said. I will share it with the committee members after the break.

I attended football practice in the evening. Tendai and Grayson almost fought. Coach was angry at Grayson because he was the one provoking Tendai. Practice ended early because it begun drizzling.

"I don't know what is up with that guy!" Tendai said.

I knew what was up. I wish I hadn't slept with him. He was acting out because of jealousy. Tendai received a phone call.

"I will be there in a few minutes," I heard him say. Addie, I need to go, my mom is at the hospital. Her blood sugar level has risen.

I am sorry, Tendai. I wish her a quick recovery.

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