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Praise Kwakye

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Praise Kwakye

Soren and I were seated in the living room relaxing. Dad and mom joined us.

"How was school today?" he asked.

"School was great," Soren said.

Kemi came with a lawyer, she demanded that the school allow her to do her finals because she wasn't expelled because of examination malpractice. She also demanded to attend the Prom.

"I wish I had never met her mother," dad said. She continues to disappoint me each and everyday of her life!

"Dad, that is not a nice thing to say about your own child," Soren said. Maybe if you cared for her even a little bit, she wouldn't be acting out the way she does.

"Soren, don't disrespect your dad," mom said. Kemi is his daughter and he knows her better than any of us!

Soren stood up and left. Dad wanted to follow him but mom told him not to.

"Leave him alone," she said.

"What did the school say about Kemi's demands?" mom asked.

Mr. Ngonzi caved in, she is allowed to sit her finals in July and also attend the Prom.

"No, that's a bad decision," mom said.

"It's fine that they allowed her to do her exams but Prom is where I draw the line," dad said. What was the purpose of the expulsion if she gets to attend Prom?

She threatened the school that if they reject her request, she will accuse Waldon Smythe of sexual assault. She says people will believe her because of the favoritism he used to show her.

Dad got angrier. "That girl embarrasses me with her actions," he said. Why spew lies out of her mouth. Sexual harassment is a serious accusation that can destroy a person's life.

"I don't know what I will do to her. I need to go find her and tell her to stop saying such words," dad said. He stood up.

Mom stood up too. "Desmond, calm down," she said. She already told you that she doesn't need you.

Dad sat back down. He was so annoyed. I excused myself, they needed some time alone to talk.

Soren called me to his room as I headed to mine. "Addie, I have come to understand why Kemi acts the way she does," he said.

I hope you're not falling for her pity act, Soren, she is not the victim here.

"Even though dad won't admit it, Kemi gets some of her qualities from him," he said. Look at how he has behaved just like her. He is quick to show hate just like her.

I see what you're saying Soren but dad didn't choose to have her, which is why feels the way he does!

Addie, dad had sex with Sabrina Barre and that's how she was conceived. He wasn't raped! He needs to man up and own up to his mistakes with Kemi before it's too late!

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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