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Claudine Joyce

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Claudine Joyce

Someone banged at Grayson's door. "I hope you kids use protection," Poppy shouted. It was so embarrassing. "I don't want you to end up like me," she added.

"Don't feel bad, she does every time I have someone over," he said. "Don't make me a grandmother, I am too young," she said.

This made me laugh. Imagining Poppy as a grandma was hilarious. Her parenting was unusual, imagine what sort of grandma she would be.

"Ignore her," Grayson said. He continued kissing me.

She ought to stop doing that!

She won't," Grayson said and went back to kissing me.

I was thinking about what happened early in the morning with Poppy and Grayson. Grayson noticed that I wasn't as into the kissing as he was.

"Addie, I am serious, forget about mom and what happened earlier, focus on the now," he said.

I did as he said. I kissed him.

It didn't work like yesterday, he was unable to erect.

"I am sorry Addie, I feel embarrassed," he said. This never happens to me. I am always ready.

What do you think is the matter?

It's okay, Grayson, we can try again later.

"I feel sad, I brought you here to have a good time and I am unable to," he said.

Stop feeling bad. We still have time together.

We left the bedroom and went downstairs to the living room. Nadia was watching T.V.

"I am glad you guys have finally decided to come downstairs," she said.

"Is Jason still around?" Grayson asked.

"No, he left fifteen minutes ago," she said.

"Finally," Grayson said.

"Are Lucrecia and Enrique coming today?" Grayson asked.

"Mom told me that Amber will be dropping them soon," she said.

Who are those?

"Lucretia and Enrique are my half siblings. Their mother Amber drops them off here on the weekends sometimes so that I can bond with them," Grayson said. Nadia isn't related to them but she likes their company. On the weekends I am not usually around. She gets lonely.

I sat watching an episode of SpongeBob with Nadia while Grayson went to the kitchen.

There was a knock at the door. Nadia went to open the door.

"I missed you guys," I heard her say.

"Nadia, is your mom around?" a woman asked.

"Yes," I heard Nadia say.

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