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        Hazel's POV
I had just woken up from my afternoon nap and going to the boutique was all in my mind. I needed to get clothes to rock for my friend's birthday party. I got up from  bed, got dressed and headed down to the living room.

There my best friend and sister, Michelle,seated on the sofa. Michelle is my sister, my best friend, my other half, we are inseparable. We met at the orphanage home, grew up together, became best friends and then inseparable. I remember how she threw tantrums when Mr& Mrs True-blood came to adopt her, saying she can't leave without me and then they ( Mr& Mrs True-blood) were forced to adopt Michelle and I at the age of five.

I headed down the stairs and went ahead to meet her, I sat beside her on the sofa and we conversed: "hey Michelle, I'm setting out now". "Okay, bye". She replied.
"Don't you want to rethink? Please follow me and you can continue your work when we come back". I said in a pleading tone. "You know how much this business is worth, right?"
I couldn't convince her to follow me, so I headed out on my own.

On getting to dream boutique, while I was shopping, a group of men in all black, wearing cold expressions barged in. They are either armed robbers, kidnappers or even Mafia, but I doubt that a mafia group would want to raid a boutique.

We were all afraid and each of us was looking for a safe place. Just like the gods heard my prayer, I sighted the owner of the boutique running for his life and it seemed like he had a direction he was headed, like he knew a way out. I followed him and we ended up in a basement.
We stormed in on a group of men in black and one who looked like their leader. It occurred that they had been waiting for the owner.

The leader looked like a man in his late twenties, If I could guess right he is like 6'5 feet tall. His unbuttoned top button reveals his muscular chest. His rolled sleeves also reveal his veins and muscular hand. He was wearing a black Rolex wrist watch. Looking up at his face, I saw a handsome man with an expressionless face. I got lost in his cold grey eyes. His rough hair dangles over  his eyebrows and gives him more of a mafia look. Even though I was less than 3 meters away from him, I could smell his expensive mint scented perfume. That was enough to sweep me off my feet.
I was brought back to reality when I heard a gunshot. Apparently, he had just shot the owner of the boutique. I was scared and confused, and suddenly, I heard the leader of the gang saying "who's she?" Pointing at me but directing the question to Marcus- the owner of the boutique. "She's my wife, sir". Marcus replied.
I was dumbfounded and short of words because I had not been concentrated on their conversation as I was totally mesmerised by the handsome and manly gang leader. "Wow, so you'll have someone else to be punished with you? Who knows if you both are  involved in your bad deeds?" the leader replied. I got more confused and all I wanted was someone to explain all that was going on to me. "Punished?" I asked. "I don't know anything about what is happening here right now, but all I know is that I am definitely not his wife and I only came here to shop. In fact, I am here in the basement because I followed him thinking he knew a way out".
The leader moved closer to Marcus after hearing me out and, with an extremely disgusted expression, he said to Marcus, " I can't believe you are still lying in this state" looking at him from head to toe. "I didn't mean to lie", Marcus said stammering and just like a fire was ignited in the gang leader, he threw a fiery punch at Marcus" and he immediately went unconscious due to the intensity of the punch. The leader instructed his guards to take Marcus, gag me and put us in the trunk of one of their cars.
I tried to fight my way out but the men were way too strong and muscular. I was shoved into the car trunk with Marcus' unconscious body. There was not enough air ventilation in little or no time, I also went unconscious.
        The next day, I woke up with my head banging so bad. I look around and find myself in a strange room. The room is painted in grey and white with a black window blind. The king- sized bed is very soft and comfortable. As I use my fingers to rub my eyes, I see a manly figure dotted on a sofa not far away from the bed. His legs are crossed and he is reading a magazine.
"Finally, you are awake ",he says, bringing the magazine down and placing it on his laps. Immediately, I recognised his voice as that of the leader of the gang. I sat up and faced him. "What happened, and where am I, why am I even here?" I asked concerned " Will you calm down and let me explain myself?" he said, already annoyed. I simply nodded in response. "You fainted due to lack of air in the car trunk and this place, he paused is my house ". " Oh okay, I see" I replied, looking around the room. " Now that I'm awake, can I go?, I asked again. He looked up at me and our eyes met. "No, you can't", hearing his response, I immediately flare up at him. "Why can't I?" I scoffed "You're very funny, I'm heading home right away!" I lashed out at him. I get up from the bed and head towards the door when he pulls me back with his muscular arms. "Stop all these tantrums you're throwing" he lashes back at me angrily, "you're staying and that's final", he says authoritatively. "And who are you to keep me here, who are you to decide where I stay and where I don't, you must give an explanation!" I said shouting on top of my lungs. "You want an explanation?" He asked, "fine, I'm your kidnapper " he says and storms out of the room.

*********Xavier's POV*********
   I can't stop thinking of her, her beauty strikes me hard. She's god damn beautiful. If I guess correctly, her height should be 5'9, Her hazel coloured eyes complement her name. She's light skinned with a tan and her lips are perfectly shaped and looks kissable. The freckles on her face really compliment  her skin colour. I sighted the cute butterfly tattoo behind her left ear when I carried her into the house. Her hair smelled like  colour- coffee. I can't believe I finally found her after all these years that I've been looking for her. I can't let her go because of the birth mark she has, It means a lot.

   ————Author's note———
Thanks for sparing your time to read this book. Do you want to find out why he won't let go of her? The mystery behind her birth mark? If so, stay tuned for more chapters.  Again thanks for reading 🥰😇

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