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At Mason's house, Emily arrives there almost immediately when Michelle does too. "Why are you here?" Michelle asked Emily. "I thought I told you not to come here, why did you not listen to me?" Emily asked, ignoring Michelle's question. "I was confused and worried. I told you that Mason had asked me to come over and you said I should not, I was concerned and worrying, so I decided to come over. What's going on?" Michelle asked.

Just then, Mason and a girl walked down the stairs. "Hey, how are you? And who's she?" Michelle asked, not even pausing for a second. "She's my new girlfriend", Mason replied.

Mason and his new girlfriend walked towards Michelle and Emily, who just watched from behind looking sad, angry and disappointed.
"New girlfriend?! Mason, you are joking right?" Michelle asked,yelling. "No I'm not, I called you here to apologise and confess everything to you", Mason said. "Confess what? Emily, what's going on?" she asked, facing Emily.
"I'm sorry, I'm deeply sorry", Mason apologised. "Why are you sorry?" Michelle asked, confused and lost. "I betrayed you by cheating on you not only with your friend but even with Zoey", he explained. "What?! What happened? Michelle exclaimed and then looked around, made eye contact with Emily and Zoey then Mason. "I fucking asked a question", Michelle said, already yelling. "Well, Michelle...", before Mason could finish his statement, Emily cut in, "no, you can't tell her, Mason please", Emily pleaded. "Just shut the fuck up! Mason yelled at Emily while Zoey sat on the couch watching the drama unravel in front of her. "When we were dating,  I was dating Emily also and this is why I called you. I was tired of lying and deceiving you. I think it is better to tell you the truth and let you go because I have been feeling guilty all this while.
"Wow, so all this happened behind my back and I didn't know about it?" Michelle asked rhetorically. "I'm sorry Michelle, I hope you find someone that's better than me", Mason apologised again, feeling really bad. "And I pray you both find lovers that will lead you to hell", Michelle said, crying and stormed out of the house.

Michelle gets home, still crying, she lay on the bed and takes a diary that was on her bedside table to write-the events that happened that day. She opened her phone and stared at Hazel's picture before she slept off.

After one week, Xavier returned home. He entered the house tired and in search of Hazel. He entered the dining room, checked his wristwatch, "it's dinner time already, why isn't anyone here?" he asked himself, tiredly.

He walked into the kitchen and found Hazel singing and playing the piano. All the chefs present there froze and started to jitter because of his presence, but the ignorant Hazel continued to sing.

"Master is here", Anne tapped and announced to her. Hazel used her eyes to search the room for her and when she finally saw him, she stood up and greeted him.
He ignored her greeting and instructed her to meet him outside.

Outside the kitchen, Xavier scolded her for eating and relating with the chefs. "What the heck were you doing in there?!" he asked, harshly. "I was chatting with them", Hazel replied. "Why?" he asked again. "Why what? Is there anything bad about staying with them?!" She shouted back at Xavier.
"Yes, there's and I don't want to see you talking with any of the maids! And that's it. You break the rule, you get punished", he said authoritatively. "Why? Are they not humans?" she asked.

"I cannot obey that rule of yours because I'm not used to being alone or doing things alone. You left me for a whole week and you didn't even tell me before you left. And then, you expect me not to relate to the people around me?" Hazel complained.
"Why should I tell you about my movements, are you my mother? Who did you think you are?" he lashed out at her. "Really?!" Hazel exclaimed. She scoffed, looked at him and stormed to her room.

Xavier heads to his room, takes a cold shower and goes to sleep.

The Mafia's key जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें