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Michelle's POV

I waited patiently in front of my house for Mason, my boyfriend, to take me to school. He finally arrived after a long wait. He parked in front of me and I entered. I greeted him with "good morning". "Hey babe, good morning", he replied. "How was your night?" he asked, looking at me worried. "It was fine, how about yours?" I asked. "It was splendid", he replied. He hands me a cup of coffee, stares at me with a concerned look and asks again if I'm really okay.
Frustrated about his questions and the absence of my best friend at the same time as my sister, I replied to him harshly, "I'm okay". "I'm sorry, I'm just worried because of the way you are looking, he said calmly. "Will you like to listen to music to calm you?" he asked, gently. I looked at him in annoyance and shouted at him to let me be. "I'm sorry", he apologised. We both continued the journey in silence.
A few minutes later, we arrived at the college, "are you coming for tomorrow's match?",he asked. "Which match?" I asked. "The final match is tomorrow, fencing match", he answered with a mixture of bewilderment and disappointment. "Oh sorry, I totally forgot, I'm sorry again, I won't be able to come." I said, looking at the coffee cup I was holding on my laps. "You are joking, right?!, he asked, surprised and disappointed. "I'm not, does it seem like I am because I'm not and neither am I in the mood to joke around, watching fencing matches", I said, getting annoyed. "Really", he scoffed, "I really don't know what is happening to you these days, Do you realise we are drifting apart? He paused to see my facial expression and he continued "ever since that friend or sister of yours..." Immediately he made that statement, I cut him short, "what? Did you just refer to Hazel as "that friend or sister of yours", " are you joking? You know how important she is to me ever since we were children, you know how we became sisters, so why would you say something like that?" I shouted at him at the same time, crying.
"I'm sorry", he said calmly. "I understand what you feel and how you feel, but I can replace her for the main time, if not in her 'sister' position, then as a brother and best friend, I promise to do anything you want",he concluded. "You can never replace her, you're nothing comp to her, you can never be like her. Don't even dream of taking her place in my life because it's impossible", I yelled and continued "if you want to help, bring her back". "Really?!"he replied. "If you wanted her this badly, why did you withdraw the case at the police station",? he asked. "I did it because I had to", I replied sharply. "And why did you have to?"he asked with clear annoyance in his face. "I expected you to support me in this hard time, but instead you're here doing everything in your power to make me more sad." I said, ignoring his question.
"Look, Michelle, I will always support you, you know that, but I'm so sick and tired of what has been happening these days, We can't have a nice time again, we can't be like couples again all because of your sister...anytime I invite you for an outing, you always turn me down and I never complain," he said and sighed, staring at me. "I'm tired of all this. I can't push further anymore, I'm losing you. Gather yourself together and have faith, you can't keep going like this", he said, sounding very hurt and concerned. "This has to do with my sister and you are here talking about outings, are you okay?"I asked, really annoyed. "I'm definitely in my right sense and I should be the one asking you that because you are overreacting and behaving like a person that is not in the right sense", he said. "Mason, don't you get it?..." before I could finish my statement, he cuts in, "yes, I don't get it at all. I don't get you and everything that's happening here right now. Michelle, I need you to stop thinking about her and let's focus on each other," he said, yelling.
"What's there to focus on. You know what?..." I paused for a second "just fuck off", I left his car in annoyance immediately I said that and headed towards the college lecture rooms.

*******In Xavier's house*******

I was just about to finish my assignments, when one of the cooks, knocked on the door to my room and entered, She announced to me that dinner was ready. "Okay, I'm coming", I replied to her. She left and I left the room after finishing all my assignments.
I got to the dining room, had my seat and asked the cook whether Xavier was home yet. "I don't know ma'am, let me ask the guards", she replied. "Okay then", I responded.
She left while I continued thinking about why he hadn't arrived yet and then she returned a few minutes later. 'Ma'am, the guard has just informed me that he won't be around for a week", she said.
"A week?!" I exclaimed. "Yes ma'am", she replied. "Why", I asked, I don't even know why that hurts. "I don't know, neither do his guards", she replied and turned to take her leave. "Wait", I said sharply, "aren't you eating?", I asked, concerned. "I am", she answered, "any problem?" she asked. "Please, can you eat here with me?" I asked with a pleading tone. "No ma, it's against the rules", she replied. "I can't eat alone on this large dining table, I'm not used to it, please can you? Just this once", I pleaded again. "I would love to but I can't. You can take permission from the chief butler, whatever he says is final", she explained. "Okay, where's he?" I asked.
We both headed to the chief butler and asked for permission, at first, he declined, but after I begged and pleaded, he permitted her to eat with me. We went back to the dining room, had our seats, she dished out our food and we began eating. "So, what's your name?" I asked politely. "It's Anne", she replied. "Wow, such a beautiful name", I exclaimed. "Thank you ma", she replied and we continued our food.
When we were done, she began packing the plates, I insisted on carrying some for her and we both went to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, the head cook scorned her for letting me carry the plates to the kitchen and I told him that it was me who insisted.
I wished all of them good night and headed to my room. On my way to my room, I soliloquies, "he couldn't even tell me this morning when he was leaving that he would be gone for a week. Where could he have gone, not for a day or two, a whole week!" I exclaimed. "Why am I even worried, it's none of my business anyway", I said and increased my pace to the room.

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