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I woke up, did my face routine, bath, got dressed and went to the dining hall to have my breakfast.

I exchanged pleasantries with Xavier and he instructed me to eat fast that we were going out.

When he finished his food, he called one of the guards to confirm if he had packed everything he needed in his car trunk.

"For how long will it take you to finish your food?"Xavier asked, annoyed. I told him I'm almost done and I shoved the remaining small food in my mouth. I rushed to my room to get my shoes on and wondered where we were going to.
When I finished wearing my shoes, I ran back to the living room and we headed towards the garage.

I kept on asking Xavier where we were going and all he did was to shut me up with an indefinite answer; "you will find out when we get there".

I asked him again a few minutes after he had been driving because I was worried; "where are we going?" I was worried because we've been driving for a very long time and we had not reached our destination.

"I'm looking for a remote area to kill you", he finally answered with all his attention focused on the driving. I panicked when I heard his reply and wondered what I did that made him want to kill me.
"Kill me?! What did I do?" I asked curiously and scared.

He must have seen my pale face and the panic in my eyes before he told me that he was just joking. I punched him hard with all my strength, but to him the was light and it was me who felt the pain. I scoffed and mumbled; "son of bitch", I said.

"Are you talking to me?"he asked, looking at me, "me, no", I lied. "You can take a nap, I will wake you when we reach our destination", he said calmly.

I adjusted the passenger seat to the back, rested my head on a pillow and slept off.

A few minutes later, I felt a light touch on my shoulder, I opened my eyes and saw Xavier, whose face was now close to mine, informed me that we had arrived at our destination.

I looked up and from the signboard, I found out that we were in an orphanage home. I was surprised that someone like him does charity. "Who would believe that someone like you would come to the orphanage? " I said.

"Are you coming or not",? He asked when he saw that I'm not making any signs of getting out of the car since we had arrived. "I'm coming", I said, opening the door and got out of the vehicle.

He gave me a bottled water and a handkerchief to clean my face. I guess I drooled over my face when I slept. I collected it and cleaned my face. I asked him how often he visited the place and he ignored the question as usual. He is found  brushing off questions and he avoids talking much.

We both entered the orphanage home and we were welcomed by one of the caregivers who seemed to recognise Xavier. The caregiver greeted us and I replied to him, smiling while Xavier, as usual, greeted back coldly.
The caregiver complained that it had been a long time since they last saw Xavier and he said that was due to work.

The man led us to where the children were while Xavier called the guard that accompanied us to take out the provisions in the car trunk.

As we entered where the kids were, we were greeted by a boy named Elliot who seemed to be the one to notice us first and was happy to see Xavier. "Hey, Mr Xavier", Elliot greeted. Xavier bent down to his height and asked "how have you been?" I have been doing well but better see you here", he replied. "Let me take you to where your wife is", he said, taking his hand and pulling Xavier.

My heart jumped when I heard 'your wife' from Elliot, who was referring to Xavier and he didn't object to it. "Your wife?! So you have a wife?" I asked, hurt and disappointed. He never told me all this while.
"Yes, he has", Elliot answered.

The three of us arrived in a classroom where a small girl was sitting. "Rose, your husband is here", Elliot said, smiling.
The so-called Rose looked back smiling and one could tell from her face that she was happy.

She ran to Xavier with her arms wide opened, She crashed herself into Xavier and he hugged her tightly. "Her, how are you?"he asked. "I'm fine, I missed you", she answered, beaming with a smile. "Who's she?" she asked Xavier,pointing at me. "Oh, she's just a friend of mine", he answered her. I gasped and was shocked. "so, I'm just a friend to this little girl, wife" I mumbled, feeling jealous and pained.

Rose pulled Xavier, "come, I have something to show you", she said. They were about to go when they got stopped by the director of the orphanage home named Irene.
She's tall, slim, busty and she has  short hair. She should be in her early twenties but I'm certain that Xavier is older than her.

We exchanged pleasantries. It shows that she is surprised to see me. She told Xavier to follow her that she wanted to show him the results of the project and he followed her.

They both walked through the garden not knowing that I was following them. "I've never seen you with a lady since the demise of your father aside from business partners and Luke's girlfriend and she does not look like either of the two", she said.
"Yeah, that's true, I have found her", he answered. "Found who?" she asked curiously. "The girl my dad mentioned before he died", he replied. "Really? Wow, since when?" she asked hurriedly.
"It should be a month now", he replied. "Aww, I'm so happy for you" she said, smiling and he replied her with "thanks".

When they finished their conversation, I sneaked out of the place. "What is with me and his father, what did his dad say about me before his death", I wondered. I sighted Xavier and Irene walking back inside.

"Hey husband", I heard Rise calling out to Xavier. He answered and they were about to walk away when I stopped Xavier that I wanted to talk to him. "Can we talk?" "Later, we have the whole day", he said. "No, I want to talk to you now", I said, sounding authoritative.

He looked at Rose and he came to me until Rose gave him  permission. "Make it snappy", he said.

We entered an empty room and I started lashing out at him. "Are you okay, isn't that child abuse? And the people in charge allowed you to get married, are you with your sense at all? How can that small girl be your wi...," he cut in before I could finish my statement.
"Exactly, how can she be my wife. Is she not too young to be my wife? You are the one with no sense here, can't you figure this out logically, are you that stupid?" he yelled, pissed. "Then tell me the reason?" I asked, not wanting to back down.
"Okay, fine, she has a terminal disease and we have to keep her happy. That's why I have no other choice than to make her call me husband. How can I court a child?! She doesn't have much time left and all of this is to make her happy till her last breath. She started calling me her husband the very first day she met me and all I could do was to play along and show her love", he said, shouting and I could feel anger in his voice.

I felt guilty and I apologised; "I'm sorry, I didn't know it's something like this, I was just...," I was unable to finish what I wanted to say because we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

The door opened and Rose entered. She told us to go outside to join them in the basketball match. Xavier instructed her to go that we would join them soon and she left.
He looked at me and shook his head in disbelief before he left me alone in the room.

—————Author's Note————
Uploading might take a while due to exams but I'll try as much as possible to update a chapter everyday,thank you.😁
Don't forget to comment you guys
Do you think Hazel acted out of context about Rose calling Xavier husband?
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Bye for now loveliesssss🥰

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