The Meeting

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Jet and Wave are sitting at the edge of the airship outside. Wave is smiling warmly as the wind blows through their feathers.

Wave: It's so nice out here. Just us by ourselves, no worries in sight.

Jet: Uh huh.

Wave turns and sees Jet staring into the sky with a focused look to his eyes.

Wave: Jet? Are you ok?

Jet blinks and shakes his head as he sniles at Wave.

Jet: Yeah, sorry. Just.... lost in thought is all.

Wave sighs and puts her head on Jet's shoulder.

Wave: You thinking of the mission again?

Jet: .... Yeah, in a way. I just need to get that emerald, show Grand Kukku I'm not worthless, and finally make Long Claw proud.

Wave lifts her head up and grips Jet's hand.

Wave: You've always made her proud, she would be proud if she was still here.

Jet: Yeah... tell that to Kukku.

Wave: He's not worth it. You can't keep trying to prove yourself to someone who won't see your efforts.

Jet: I just... I have to Wave. I have to prove it, or else why did he save us that day?

Wave: He saved us because we're his people, so we don't need to prove anything.

Jet pulls his hand away and stands up.

Jet: I'm sorry Wave, but I got to try. Or else everything Long Claw did was for nothing.

Jet turns around and heads back towards the interior of the airship. Wave reaches out towards him but sighs and looks out back to the sky.

Wave: Why did you have to leave us Long Claw?

(Inside the airship)

Fukurokov, Sophocles, and Speedy enter a room and sit at a round table with five seats.

Fukurokov: Does anyone know what the Grand Kukku called this meeting for?

Speedy: Pretty sure it will be about our new targets.

Sophocles chuckles in amusement.

Sophocles: Well now, Kukku has found some new targets to vent his anger and grief towards? Poor souls, I feel bad for them.

Grand Kukku: Don't.

The three Babylonians turn to see Grand Kukku enter the room with two other Babylonians wearing purple military uniforms and helmets.

Grand Kukku: Leave us, we have a meeting.

The two soldiers salute and leave and closes the door. Grand Kukku heads towards the biggest chair at the table and sits down. He then presses a button on the table and a hologram of the blue emerald appears in the center of the table.

Grand Kukku: After our recent excavation of the ancient Babylonian ruins, we discovered the myths of Chaos and how he was split into seven elemental emeralds. This emerald right here contains the power of air, which will be perfect for our conquest of the air.

Fukurokov: Yeah yeah, we get it. So, you've found it's location?

Grand Kukku: Yes and no. We found out who had it.

Grand Kukku presses the button again and the hologram shifts from the emerald to Eggman. Fukurokov and Sophocles both stiffen.

Sophocles: Dr. Ivo Robotnik, the most prolific inventor of the humans.

Fukurokov: Even compared to me and Sophocles, he's on another level. The only one I know who can handle his might is that blasted RoboEmperor.

Grand Kukku: Yes, the infamous Eggman gained the power of the skies, but lucky for us he is a fool.

Sophocles: A fool? How?

Grand Kukku: He gave the emerald to a bunch of children.

Grand Kukku presses a button and the Eggman hologram disappears and the images of Sonic, Tails, Nicole, Knuckles, and Shadow. Grand Kukku waves to Speedy, who clears his throat.

Speedy: These five are the newest team that Eggman has employed to do his dirty work. Not much was known about them before today.

Speedy points at each image as he talks about each of them.

Speedy: The fox has two tails that allows him to fly, while also being an adept pilot and sharpshooter. The lynx we still have no info on, but we can assume that she is a threat. The black hedgehog seems to be coursing with Chaos energy, allowing him to summon a spear of Chaos.

Fukurokov points at Knuckles.

Fukurokov: So you did find an echidna!!

Speedy: Correct sir. It seems that Chaos didn't kill all of the echidnas. As to why he is with Eggman remains a mystery, but he does seem to be a capable fighter.

Speedy then points at Sonic.

Speedy: And finally, the blue hedgehog. We know that he has the emerald and is capable of using it. He is deemed the most dangerous.

Sophocles: And he beat you? In the sky?

Speedy: I... wasn't the battling him.

Grand Kukku: Jet.... was the one who decided to attack the hedgehog. Hence why we have no idea where they are going. We got lucky when they appeared in our air space, but that fool let them slip away.

Sophocles: Grand Kukku, you need to give the boy a break. Long Claw had great inter-

Grand Kukku slams his fist into the table, causing a huge indent to appear. The others flinch when he slammed his fist.

Grand Kukku: You don't need to remind me that your sister.... that my wife saw something in him. I know very well about her ideas for the boy, but he continues to prove to be shown as a failure.

Speedy stands up and salutes Grand Kukku.

Speedy: Don't worry father, we'll find them.

Grand Kukku smiles and nods.

Grand Kukku: Of course son, I have full faith in your skills.

Speedy smiles and nods and sits back down.

Fukurokov: So, when we do find these children, how are we gonna get the emerald? They are clearly a match for are strongest soldiers, so what is your plan for when we find them again?

Grand Kukku: We'll send our troops of course.

Sophocles: How many?

Grand Kukku: We'll send everyone.

Fukurokov and Sophocles look at each other with shock.

Fukurokov: E-everyone? Isn't that a bit overkill?

Grand Kukku: Maybe, but it won't matter when we get that emerald. Do I make myself clear?

The others nod as Grand Kukku stands up.

Grand Kukku: Then you are all dismissed.

The others stand up and leave as Grand Kukku turns around and looks out towards the sky.

Grand Kukku: *whispers* Soon my love, the sky will be ours.

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