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Sonic: Here we are, Starline's lab.

The gang stands in front of a tall white egg shaped building with a plaque in front of the building that says "Starline Labs".

Tails: He really is a fan of Eggman huh?

Knuckles: Truly. Who makes a building in the shape of an egg?

Sonic shrugs.

Sonic: Someone who wants an easy to notice building? Anyways, let's head on inside.

The rest nod and they walk up the steps to the building and enter the building into a lobby area. As the five are walking, a white drone flies infront of them and scans them.

Drone: You are not authorized to be here, please state your business or leave immediately.

Sonic turns to his friends.

Sonic: *mutters* Not a friendly guy huh?

Sonic turns back to the drone and clears his throat.

Sonic: Hi, we're from Skyline and Dr. Eggman has asked us to give a Dr. Starline this package.

Sonic pulls out the package from his scarf and holds it out towards the drone. The drone scans the package and stays motionless in the air for a moment before a breathless voice is heard from the drone.

???: Uh-uh are you really from Skyline?!

Sonic: Um.... yes?

???: O-ok then..... um head up to the elevator, it'll take you up to me.

Sonic salutes the droid with two fingers and he and the others walk towards the elevator and enter the elevator and let it take them up.

Tails: I wonder what the Dr. Starline will be like?

Nicole: From what I've gathered, he's a brilliant inventor that is considered this generation's Eggman.

Shadow: He must be impressive if he's being compared to Ivo.

Knuckles: Just what has he made to be so respected?

Nicole: Apparently, he's the one who proceeded Sally in creating living holograms.

Sonic whistles.

Sonic: Wow, that is impressive. I can see why Doc wants to help him out.

Tails: Makes me more curious as to what this gift is?

Sonic: Doc said it was a piece to a puzzle, so might be a part for machine?

Shadow: Well, we'll know soon enough.

Shadow nods towards the doors of the elevator as the elevator dings and the doors open. The five leave the elevator and walk into a giant lab filled with a bunch of unfinished inventions, blueprints thrown all over the place. As the gang walks towards a giant black board as a figure trips over something and falls to the ground.

???: Argh!!

A white platypus wearing a white lab coat, violet dress shirt, maroon vest, black cowboy boots, and yellow reading glasses stands up and brushes off some dust and turns to face the gang.

Starline: Ah, you must be Skyline. I am Dr. Starline, a pleasure to meet your acquaintances.

Sonic: Sup doc, I'm Sonic.

Tails: The name's Mile Prower, but you can call me Tails.

Knuckles: Knuckles.

Shadow: I am Shadow The Hedgehog.

Nicole: I am designated as Nicole.

Starline lights up when he sees Nicole.

Starline: Marvelous work has been done on you my dear. 5 years and still working perfectly.

Nicole: You.... You can tell how old I am?

Starline: My dear, I am the creator of your kind. Of course I can tell.

Starline grasps his hands together.

Starline: So, you have something from me? From "the" Dr. Eggman?!

Sonic: Yeah, here.

Sonic hands the package to Starline. Starline quickly grabs it and rips up the wrapping to reveal a circular device with a round indent. Starline looks at it and gasps in shock.

Starline: No way... How did he know abiut my research?

Tails: Research?

Starline: He didn't tell you?

The gang shakes their head. Starline's eyes light up with excitement.

Starline: Follow me!!

Starline leads the group towards a device which is holding a round orange topaz with a dark orange swirl in the center.

Sonic: What is that?

Starline: I call it the Warp Topaz!!! It can allow others to teleport to other locations.

Tails: Like a Warp Ring?

Starline: YES!!! I'm trying to make something that can be used with no limits, but it's been hard. The topaz is still unstable but hopefully with this device the doctor has given me, I can make a fully functional thing, and give the world the ability to teleport between other islands. Think of it!!!

Sonic: So everyone can be connected?! No more seperation!!

Starline snaps his fingers and points at Sonic.

Starline: Precisely Sonic!! Just image, a word where everyone can go anywhere. No hassle with planes, just a simple use of a topaz and you can go wherever you want.

Tails: Sounds amazing doctor.

Starline: Thank you Miles, means alot. But enough about me, talk to me about Skyline. What's it like to work with the doctor?!

Sonic: Pretty cool honestly. Get to see the world.

Knuckles: And also battle a bunch of strong foes.

Sonic: Right, like those bird people we fought on our way here.

Starline: Wait, bird people? Do you mean the Babylonians?

Tails: You know who they are?

Starline: I only know what others have told me. They go around to abandoned ruins to find some ancient technology, and they also attack any who enter their skies. If you managed to live through an attack from them, I'd say you're lucky.

Nicole: Sonic, I believe we should for sure warn Eggman about this now.

Sonic sighs and nods.

Sonic: You're right, send a mes-

A sound of an explosion could be heard outside as a flash of light could be seen outside. The five quickly stood at battle ready while Starline stumbled backwards.

Sonic: What was that?

Shadow: It came from outside.

Sonic looks to Starline.

Sonic: Get somewhere safe, we'll see what is going on.

Starline nods and the five head outside. The five leave the lab and enter into the middle of the streets and look up and their faces turn to horror, shock and anger.

Sonic: It's them, the Babylonians.

The five peer up to see the Babylonian airship floating above the city as a bunch of jets and tanks and a bunch if foot soldiers fall from the airship to the city below while the airship is also firing at the city, causing smoke to rise. Sonic grips his fist tightly as his body shakes in rage.

Sonic: They're here.

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