Fallen Jet

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Jet enters the locker, takes off his helmet and tosses it across the room. Jet then sits down on the bench and sighs in frustration as he puts his head in his hands. Jet looks down and sees the picture of Long Claw as his mind goes back in time.

(2 years ago)

Long Claw is inside a cavern looking at some ancient language and reading it.

Jet: You can read that?

Long Claw perks up and turns to see Jet wearing a purple military uniform. Long Claw smiles and ushers him closer. Jet walks towards Long Claw as she puts to the words.

Long Claw: This is the language of the ancient Babylonians, of our ancestors.

Jet: Really? What's it say?

Long Claw: History of the five clans and the battle against their greatest foe.

Jet: The Zeti?!

Long Claw gives Jet a proud smile

Long Claw: So you have been paying attention to my studies?

Jet: Well yeah, it's interesting.

Long Claw: Then tell me what we know of it.

Jet: The five clans, The echidnas, the Babylonians, the badgers, the mammoths, and the Lyric clan met with this other worldly force known as the Zeti, who tried to take over Mobius. The five clans rallied together and put a stop to the Zeti, either destroying them or sealing them away. That is all we know from that time.

Long Claw applauds Jet.

Long Claw: Well done. You could teach Speedy a thing or two.

Jet blushes a little and messes with the feathers on his head.

Jet: I mean, the Zeti just seemed intersting is all. Not much is known about them yet they are this big bad monster to our ancestors. I wonder what they were like.

Long Claw: Well, let's hope you never have to meet them. Now come, we have more ruins to explore.

Long Claw and Jet walk down a corridor until the enter a huge room with giant statues of bird Mobians in armor. In the center of the room is Fukurokov, Storm, and Wave setting up some device. Long Claw looks a little worried at the device.

Long Claw: What's the device brother?

Fukurokov looks up at his sister and waves her away.

Fukurokov: Just a detection device to see if there's anything below us. Nothing dangerous dear sister.

Long Claw nods her head.

Long Claw: Alright then, just continue to be careful.

Fukurokov grunts and continues to work on the device. Jet rushes up to Storm and Wave, who are both wearing purple military uniforms. Wave is busy kneeling down to notice Jet.

Jet: So, you guys find anything down here?

Storm: Nothing to my interests honestly. Just boring words and rocks, though Wave found a cool hover board.

Wave: It's not just a hover board bird brain.

Wave struggles to lift up an ancient looking hover board and sets it on top of a rock and shows it to Jet.

Wave: It's an Extreme Gear, the very first known evidence of advance technology ever. This is what led to Gerald Robotnik to creating a floating island, which lead to Metal City!!! It's simply a marvel of engineering, I must get Dr. Sophocles to let me study it once I've become apart of his team.

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