Rising Hawk

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Grand Kukku: I'm sorry, you're what?

Jet: You heard me. I'm challenging your son for the right to rule.

Grand Kukku chuckles and shakes his head.

Grand Kukku: Oh really? And why not me? Are you afraid of losing to me?

Jet: Oh come now Kukku, we both know you think too highly of yourself to ever stoop to my level. So, are you gonna accept my challenge or not?

Speedy looks at his father with worry.

Speedy: Father...

Grand Kukku shakes his head a with smug grin.

Grand Kukku: I refuse. You have no clan, so you don't have the right to challenge for rulership. So I'm af-

???: Who said he didn't have a clan?!

Jet turns around and sees Storm and Wave walking towards him, both not in the uniforms anymore. Storm is now wearing white gloves with orange cuffs and orange sneakers and Wave is wearing a multi color bandanna on her head, biege overalls, multi color t-shirt, violet gloves, and one yellow shoe and a blue shoe.

 Storm is now wearing white gloves with orange cuffs and orange sneakers and Wave is wearing a multi color bandanna on her head, biege overalls, multi color t-shirt, violet gloves, and one yellow shoe and a blue shoe

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Jet walks towards them with a look kf confusion.

Jet: Guys, what are you doing? How did you-

Storm: Please boss, we know you. And we know that this was the last straw and that you'd issue a fight.

Wave grabs a hold of Jet's hand.

Wave: We'll always be by your side, no matter what.

Jet smiles and nods his head at both of them.

Jet: Thank you both, so much.

Jet then turns and faces Grand Kukku with a determined look on his face.

Jet: Well, there you have it Kukku. I got my clan, now you have no real reason to dismiss it, unless you're afraid I'll win?

Grand Kukku laughs and shakes his head.

Grand Kukku: Afraid? Of you? Heh, boy you have let some foolish thought fill your head, but oh well. You have sealed your doom. Speedy, demolish him.

Grand Kukku stands aside and let's Speedy walk towards Jet. Jet turns to Storm and Wave and they both take a few steps away from the two. Jet turns back and rotates his arms.

Jet: You think you actually have a chance against me?

Speedy: I am the son of the Grand Kukku, defeat isn't in my future.

Jet snorts and shakes his head.

Jet: And yet, I've always stood on top.

Speedy: Please Jet, don't make this harder then it already is.

Jet: Fine.

Jet gets in a battle stance. Speedy also gets in a battle stance.

Jet: Have it-

In a blink of an eye, Jet appears right infront of Speedy, catching Speedy off guard.

Jet: Your way!!!

Jet uppercuts Speedy, sending him flying into the air. Jet quickly jumps into the and raises both fists into the air and slams them down into Speedy, making him fall back towards the ground. Speedy quickly slows down his decent and charges at Jet and swings a couple of punches but Jet quickly blocks each hit. Jet then kicks Speedy and pushes away from Speedy.

Jet: Too much for you?

Speedy snears at Jet.

Speedy: Shut up!!!

Speedy flies straight Jet and throws a punch at Jet's face, connecting and sending Jet flying across the room. Jet stops himself and flies straight at Speedy, grabs ahold of his shoulders and pushes him downward as the two crash into the ground. Right as the two hit the ground, Jet lets go of Speedy and skids away from Speedy as Speedy slams into the ground. Speedy stumbles to his feet, rage evident across his face.

Grand Kukku: Use the emerald boy!!!

Speedy turns to his father and nods. Speedy grabs the emerald around his neck and tries to summon a gust of wind but nothing happens. Speedy has a look of confusion yet tries again, and still nothing happens. Jet smirks and slowly walks towards Speedy.

Speedy: W-why?! Why won't it work for me?!

Jet: Because-

Jet grabs the emerald and rips it off of Speedy's neck. The emerald glows in Jet's hands as blue wind swirls around him. Jet starts laughing manically.


Jet swings the emerald, causing a gust of wind to sends Speedy flying towards Grand Kukku. Grand Kukku grabs his son and sets him down gently. Soeedy looks up at his father weakly.

Speedy: I'm.... sorry.... father.

Grand Kukku: It's alright my son.

Grand Kukku looks at Jet and grips his fists.

Grand Kukku: I'll take care of this.

Jet looks at Grand Kukku with a maniacal smile.

Jet: Looks like I won Kukku, so now I'm in charge.

Grand Kukku: Fool! LIKE I'D LET YOU RULE!!!

Grand Kukku leaps into the air and is about to swing his fist at Jet but Jet quickly raises his arm with the emerald and a beam of wind is blasted out and hits Grand Kukku, sending him flying into wall. Jet grins sadistically as he increases the amount of power into the beam, causing Grand Kukku to scream in pain. Jet then stops and Grand Kukku falls to his knees and slams into the griund unconscious. Jet looks at everyone with a huge grin on his face.


Storm and Wave cheer, causing everyone else to cheer. Jet puts the emerald around his neck and looks at the unconscious bodies of Speedy and Grand Kukku.

Jet: Put those two in cells.

A couple of soldiers appear and drag the two bodies away. Storm and Wave run up to Jet.

Storm: What now boss?

Wave: Yeah, what's our plan?

Jet smirks at the two.

Jet: Simple, we destroy Skyline and the RoboEmperor, and then the skies will be ours!!

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