Finding The Resolve

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Knuckles: ARGH!!!

Starline attaches a device to Knuckles' injured arm and it starts glowing. The two are outside Starline's lab.

Knuckles: You sure this will work?

Starline: I told you, it's a device that is specifically design to heal quickly. Give it a few minutes and your arm will be fully healed.

Knuckles grunts and nods as he sees Tails finishes soldering the right wing of the Tornado back onto the plane. Tails stops soldering and raises his goggles and walks towards Starline and Knuckles.

Tails: Thanks again for bringing the Tornado over here so I can fix it up.

Starline: A friend of Eggman is a friend of mine. All that I have is at your disposal.

Tails nods and looks around.

Tails: Where's Sonic? And Shadow?

Knuckles: Saw Sonic walk over towards the edge of the city. And Shadow...

Knuckles grips his fist.

Knuckles: No idea, just went missing.

Nicole appears from the lab and nods across the street.

Nicole: He's over there on that roof.

Knuckles looks up and sees a silhouette of a figure sitting on the edge looking up at the sky. Knuckles sighs and stands up and looks at Tails.

Knuckles: Wanna get Sonic? I got to talk to Shadow about some things.

Tails nods slowly and spins his tails and floats in the air.

Tails: Yeah... I got Sonic. Just don't try to kill him ok?

Knuckles chuckles then sighs.

Knuckles: I'll try.


Shadow is sitting and stares forward absently as he flexes his fist, causing a spark of green energy to form.

Knuckles: Hey.

Shadow turns and sees Knuckles standing behind him.

Shadow: Hey.

Shadow turns back to the sky and Knuckles sigh. Knuckles walks next to Shadow and sits next to him. The two sit in silence for a moment before Knuckles clears his throat.

Knuckles: Look I want to-

Shadow: I'm sorry.

Knuckles looks at Shadow with a look of suprise.

Shadow: I'm sorry for hurting you. I was trust..... I'm just trying to prove that I'm worthy of being on this team and I got it in my head that I need to do it on my own. So I'm sorry.

Knuckles stares at him for a moment and chuckles.

Knuckles: So that's it? You went lone wolf because you wanted to prove yourself? Look Sonic trusts you, so I trust you. You don't have to prove anything to him, to me, or to anyone. You just gotta let us in and trust that we'll be there for you. That is all.

Shadow sits for a long time in silence thinking.

Shadow: I like coffee beans.

Knuckles stares at Shadow for a long while with a confused look and then bursts out laughing. Shadow looks st Knuckles with an annoyed look on his face.

Shadow: Why are you laughing?! Imletting you in!!

Knuckles: *laughs* No no, haha, I'm just *takes a breath* That is what you tell me? That you like coffee beans? Not even coffee?

Shadow gets flustered and looks away.

Shadow: I like the crunch.

Knuckles chuckles and shakes his head.

Knuckles: You're so weird Stripes.

Shadow smiles as he hears the name Stripes and looks at Knuckles.

Shadow: Not as weird as you are Dreads.

Knuckles gets up and reaches a hand down to Shadow.

Knuckles: Come on, we got some wings we need to clip.

Shadow smirks and grabs Knuckles' hand and stands up.

Shadow: Together. As a team.


Tails flies above the city and looks around until sees Sonic standing at the edge of the city looking down towards the water island below. Tails flies down towards Sonic and lands behind him.

Tails: Sonic.... You doing alright?

Sonic: No.... I'm not. I failed Tails.

Tails: Look, we can get the-

Sonic: That's not the point!!!

Tails takes a step back in shock. Sonic grips his fists tightly and starts pacing back and forth.

Sonic: I told Doc he could trust me, that I could keep the emerald safe. And look at where that got us. I failed Tails!!! I let them take the emerald, and what's worse is that the emerald was rejecting me!

Tails: What?

Sonic: It was stopping me from using it, almost like it found someone better to use it.

Sonic falls to his knees and lowers his head.

Sonic: I should've just stayed in Green Hills. I shouldn't be apart of Skyline.

Tails grips his fists tightly and walks towards and Sonic, grabs Sonic's scarf and raises Sonic back to his feet. Sonic sees tears start to form as Tails' face twists in anger.

Tails: Don't you dare say that!!! Don't you dare say that you shouldn't have joined Skyline!!!

Tears start streaming down Tails' face.

Sonic: Tails...

Tails: Without you, I'd still be a simple mechanic, and I'd never have gotten revenge on Mogul!! Without you, Knuckles would be alone!!!! Shadow would still be frozen in time!!! Nicole wouldn't be able to feel anything!!!! Without you we wouldn't be here!!!

Tails starts pounding on Sonic's chest.

Tails: So don't you dare say you shouldn't be here, cause I don't want to live in a world without my best friend.

Tails then feels an arm pull him into a hug.

Sonic: Sorry little buddy, I didn't mean for you to cry.

Tails stifles a laugh as Sonic let's go of Tails and gives Tails a determined grin.

Sonic: You're right Tails, I shouldn't be so down and hard on myself. We've lost before, but we always make it through right?

Tails wipes the tears away and nods.

Tails: Right!!

Sonic smirks and wipes his nose.

Sonic: Alright then, we'll find those chickens and get back that emerald.

Tails: Like that was even a question.

Sonic smiles and ruffles with Tails' fur on his head.

Sonic: Thanks Tails, for reminding me why I'm here.

Tails: No problem Sonic, happy to help.

The two begin walking back to the lab.

Sonic: And Tails?

Tails: Hmm?

Sonic: You're my best friend too.

Tails smiles brightly.

Tails: Good to know!!

(Jet the Hawk)

Jet walks into a big room where Grand Kukku is putting the blue emerald on a chain and puts the chain around Speedy's neck. A bunch of soldiers move out of the way of Jet as he storms to the center.


Grand Kukku and Speedy turn to see Jet.

Jet: I challenge your son for the right of leadership!!!

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