Chapter 50

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Becky closed the door behind her as she made her way inside the Chen's room. It was a large sized room, the same size as Freen's room and it was similar in decoration. She walked to the large dresser on the right and began rummaging through the drawers in search of any sign of paperwork, making sure to leave everything intact. She did not find anything except clothes and moved on to the nightstand. She began searching both stands but found nothing of interest and began getting frustrated knowing her time was running out.

"Where could it be? C'mon Becky, think. If you were Romanan, where would you hide the contract?" She began looking through their luggage and abandoned the luggage making her way to the walk in closet when she found nothing inside. As she walked in, she looked through the mostly empty closet except for a few hanging dresses that belonged to Mrs. Chen and a few coats that belonged to Mr. Chen. She began looking through the pockets a little discouraged before walking out towards the bed. "C'mon, where could it be? I wonder if he still has it with him?" She said to herself in a discouraged tone. She began walking towards the bed as she scanned the room for other possible locations where someone could hide something important.

She picked up a small metal pin that held the shape of a fierce flying bird that was sitting on the bed stand. She examined it carefully as she traced the outline of it, curiously taking in the metal markings as she wondered the meaning of it could be. She had gotten distracted when she suddenly heard the door to the room swing open. She gasped at the sudden intrusion dropping the pin to the ground and turned to see who had just walked in. "What are you doing?"

"Umm, nothing. I was just getting ready to leave." Friend shook her head anxiously and hurried Becky to join her. "C'mon the 5 minutes are up. Lets go." She motioned for Becky to join her as she turned to post guard again. Becky was about to leave when she remembered the dropped pin. "Wait, I need to do something real quick. She closed the door for safe measure before turning to pick up the pin. As she bent down towards the pin, she suddenly noticed a black briefcase underneath the bed. She immediately forgot about the pin and reached towards the briefcase.

It had a small metal keyhole in the center that held the briefcase closed. She tried to pry the briefcase open but was unsuccessful so she began looking around the room for anything that might help her open the briefcase. "Key? Is there a key?" She mumbled to herself as she thought of places where he could have stored a key. "Hey Mr. Chen, are you leaving the party so soon? Don't you want to join your son in celebrating?" Becky suddenly heard Friend's voice down the hallway getting closer and closer to the room.

"Shit!" Becky looked around for a place to hide before she got caught. "I'm just coming to get something. Why do you suddenly feel comfortable questioning me about my whereabouts?" He questioned Friend, stopping just shy of the bedroom door. Becky began running around the room looking for a place to hide, but found no good locations due to the short notice and pressure. "Shit, where to go?" She placed the briefcase under the bed as the door began to open slowly. "Oh you know me Mr. Chen, I just want to make sure you are all enjoying yourselves and are well taken care of." In the many years Friend had worked for the Chen's she had never dared be so upfront in conversation with Mr. Chen.

He stopped to look at her with confusion and narrowed his eyes slightly at her. "Right... well, I'll be out soon. I just have to get something." He made his way inside before slowly closing the door behind him. The door stopped shy of closing and it remained partially opened. He looked down to see Friend had placed her foot in the door frame preventing him from shutting the door. "Can I get something for you? Would you like me to clean your room for you?" He looked at her perplexed and eyed her up and down. "What are you doing?" She smiled and played innocent. "I'm just doing my job. The Queen requested we treat all of our guests with extra hospitality."

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