Thomas = Buttercup

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"Venus!" I hear someone shouting in the distance. My sobs have quieted to just silent tears by now, but my throat is dry and scratchy. I see Minho sprinting through the Deadheads towards my tree, Newt trailing behind him. I make no effort to let them know where I am. They already seem to have an idea.

"Is she up there?!" Newt calls. Minho scales the ladder quickly, peeking his head through the hole in the wooden platform.

"Yup!" He calls down to Newt, who immediately starts climbing the ladder. Minho hoists himself up, panting slightly, his hair hardly disheveled. Newt follows moments after.

"Holy shit, are we glad we found you. We need to talk." Minho says, sitting down across from me. Newt follows, sitting next to Minho.

It's only then that they notice how upset I am. My hair is disheveled and in knots, my eyes and cheeks are red and blotchy, my nose is runny and red, and tears are still falling down my cheeks no matter how hard I try to stop them. I'm not even sad anymore. I'm just numb. I don't know why I'm still crying.

"Bloody hell, Venny. What happened to you?" Newt asks softly, pulling me into his arms in a tight hug. He holds me there, pulling away to brush the tears away from my cheeks.

"They're gone." I say softly. Minho and Newt exchange a look before furrowing their eyebrows, looking back at me. "All of them. Ben, Logan, Alby, him. They're all gone."

"What do you mean him?" Minho asks, brushing stray hair away from my face.

"I had to let him go..." I look up at the sky, no more tears falling from my eyes. I have no more left to cry.

"Let him go?"

"I want to leave. He wants to stay." I summarize. "I had to let him go."

The two boys exchange a knowing look. I notice it.

"What was the look?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. 

"It's Gally." Minho says slowly. My heart pangs at his name and I look at the wood, knowing I'll never hear it the same again. "I guess everything that happened between you two explains why he's gone crazy. He's taken over the Glade. Casting anyone who won't stay or sides with Thomas out. Banishing them."

"Shit..." I mutter, looking down at the platform. I run my hands through my tangled hair, sighing loudly. "We have to go find Thomas."

"He's in the Slammer. He'll be Banished at sundown." Newt states, pain in his voice.

"Not if I have anything to fucking say about it." I snap, shooting to my feet, anger coursing through my body.

With Newt and Minho's shouts of protests behind me, I practically fly down the ladder and towards the center of the Glade, my mind foggy with frustration and pain.

I march right over to the Slammer, where Chuck is already crouched. He gives me a small smile as I throw myself to the grass beside him, crossing my legs and immediately picking at the blades of grass around me.

Minho and Newt join shortly after, Newt panting from trying to keep up with Minho. He has a pained expression on his face and I can see the way that he shifts his weight to one side, his hand subconsciously gripping his leg where his old injury was. 

I tear my eyes away from the blonde to look at Thomas, whose head is placed gingerly in Teresa's lap. I can't help but admire her for a moment.

Her hair is absolutely tangled and disheveled from the previous night of chaos. She looks exhausted, both mentally and physically, yet her pink, chapped lips seem to compliment the light violet color under her eyes so well that it takes away from the tired look on her face, instead bringing out the blue in her icy eyes. It's weird how pretty she looks after enduring hell only a few hours before. 

Sapphire Stonesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें