Chapter 64: Battle Between Legends

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"Heh? Another bounded field?" He looked up and immediately noticed what was wrong. Some of the people in the room were completely frozen in the spot... no, all the world around was frozen, with some minor exceptions.

"The flow of time has stopped!?" As he said that, he realized how ridiculous it sounded.

"That is correct." Azazel confirmed. "I'm impressed you too managed to avoid being affected. We, the leaders, repelled it with our sheer power. The same applies to the two dragon emperors."

Kiba has his balance breaker, Xenovia pulls out Durandal, and Irina pulls out her Excalibur Shards in time. 

"Wait, if those are the reasons why we aren't frozen, why is Buchou able to move?"

[That's because my protection reached her due to having been holding your hand.] The dragon in his arm answered Issei's question, causing him to look at his master surprised.

"Well, it gave me the courage to not falter..." What was truly surprising was that he didn't notice it during the entire meeting.

"What is the situation?" Xenovia asked without beating around the bush, returning their attention to the matter at hand.

And to answer that question, Sirzechs slid the window curtains to reveal the view of the school's courtyard.

There, hanging in the sky, were several figures wearing typical wizard robes, and firing a multitude of magical attacks at the building they were in. The building was taking the attacks pretty well, but there was no one stopping them from keeping their onslaught. Any of the guards from the three factions were nowhere to be seen. The lack of corpses however indicated they were teleported away instead of being killed while they were defenseless.

"Those are magicians without a doubt. Such a coordinated attack can only be the work of a terrorist organization. And if they could teleport inside this barrier, then there must be a magic circle in this school that was prepared beforehand."

"About the time stopped, there's only one possibility." Azazel looked straight at Rias, who was already able to deduce the cause, too.

"This must have been caused by Gasper-kun's sacred gear... Not only did they interrupt this meeting, but they turned a member of my peerage into a terrorist weapon... How humiliating..."

"They must have transferred power to him via magic or another sacred gear and forced him into a premature form of his balance breaker. It will be a matter of concern if they keep transferring power to him to the point it affects us as well."

"Should I just snipe him from here?" Fate asks and all eyes turn toward him. "What? It's the simplest way to stop this time stop."

"NO! You're not shooting my bishop!" Rias yells in rage looking at the Extra. "Okay, then what should we do?" He asks not giving them any advice or hint on what he could do since he is Sona's Pawn/Archer. Not them, so he doesn't have to follow their order or anything, he just needs to make sure his peerage is safe.

This causes Rias to back off and Issei to get defensive despite posing no threat to him. Fate just calmly stood up which made them flinch but he didn't do anything only walking toward Sona who was still frozen in time. Before snapping his finger in front of her seeing no reaction. "Hehehe." He pulled out a black marker and was about to draw on her face until Serafall stopped him, she could tolerate his behavior toward her little sister, but she wouldn't let him make fun of her like that. "You're not doing that Archer!"

"Alright fine, you're no fun at all, no wonder why Sona avoids you." He said throwing the pen aside while shocking Serafall along with the others in the room. "What!?" The other four people who were sitting at the round table all noticed he acted so casually in situations like this which meant he didn't see this as a threat or anything to worry about. While Serafall felt hurt, not wanting to believe his words.

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