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At the end of the day, when the clock struck five and the practice ended, Jisoo said goodbye to her colleagues, she was relieved that her boss was in a meeting or something like that. Now she began to notice that her boss was a polite and funny man himself, but apparently he really showed her something more than simple politeness. Of course, she didn't really believe it until a certain brown-haired girl told her that he was interested in her.

He was texting her more and more often in addition to work, more and more often trying to establish a non-working dialogue and constantly leaving a grinning emoji after each message. Whatever it was, it was a little alarming, but nevertheless, she just didn't pay attention to it. She didn't need to pay attention to it, she took it all as something friendly, because she treated him no more than a boss, friend or acquaintance.

However, being alone with him was becoming more and more awkward, not that there was anything he could do, he wasn't a bad person, it was just extremely awkward. Apparently, because she was sweet and kind, it was perceived somehow from a different angle, thereby showing that she supposedly liked him, but the truth is that she treated everyone that way. However, her boss probably took it differently, to his regret.

She wasn't interested in him, she was interested in another person. This person was supposed to pick her up in just ten minutes, and she hated to admit that she missed Jennie, even though they had seen each other just this morning.

It's so strange to feel longing for a person. She rarely managed to feel this feeling even for her relatives, but something tickled her inside, causing a certain desire to see the girl. Everything with Jennie is so exciting, nervous, but pleasant. She probably really got attached to her. She didn't know if it was good or bad, but she tried not to think about it.

Just as she was about to say goodbye to the guard, her phone vibrated in her jeans pocket. She hoped it wasn't like the last time, and that it really was Jennie.

Fortunately for her, it was Jennie.

Jennie: Salut, beauté. (Hi, beauty.) Sorry, I'll be late at work and I won't be able to pick you up :( Are you going home? Or maybe you'll come to me? Lisa is bothering me, get her out of my office, and she also ate my waffles! How dare she?

Her lips stretched into a cheerful smile before a chuckle followed. She shook her head and didn't answer, deciding to surprise her.

After leaving the building, she walked along the sidewalk along the tracks, occasionally glancing back at the passing buses. And with one glance, she caught her bus, which was approaching the bus stop.

-Damn it.- She grumbled, and at the same moment her steps turned into a run, and the backpack began to bounce up and down. Her shoes hurriedly stepped on the asphalt, her hair fluttered in the wind, and with a loud sigh she notices how the bus leaves without her, leaving her only to watch with bated breath as it gets smaller and smaller in the distance.

To her disappointment and bad luck, her bus ran only once an hour. She didn't want to wait another hour, so she had no choice but to walk.

The music in her ears accompanied her as she trudged wearily through the streets.

The azure sky towered over her head, the bright sunlight dazzled her eyes, the benefit of a black cap covered her from the nimble rays of the sun. With the approach of the third month of spring, the fur coat of trees and shrubs became greener and more magnificent, and small cones had already grown on the Christmas trees, from which small birds pecked seeds with their small beaks.

On the way, half an hour later, she went into the store, thinking to buy a cup of hot chocolate with caramel and cream and small rolls in a transparent box, which was tied with a red ribbon bow.

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