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A person who has lost faith in himself is not a weak person, he is a person who is simply scared and lost in front of many eyes of the big world. He will doubt everything, absolutely everything, even what he is good at. These constant doubts about any things, actions, feelings haunt him at every step.

A person can lose faith in himself even in the midst of growing up, in childhood, when he was just a child, when his personality was just beginning to form, to be drawn like a paint brush on a white empty canvas. People whom a person met in kindergarten, at school, at college, at work, caused him to doubt himself and his abilities, interests, appearance, skills, thoughts.

Self-doubt is primarily a feeling of inferiority, inability to cope with life's difficulties, accompanied by a feeling of general insecurity and anxiety about their goals, opportunities and relationships with other people. An insecure person is only sure that he is doing worse than others, and everyone else is smarter, stronger, more beautiful than him.

In fact, such a thing as "insecurity" in a person is like a kind of appendix sitting somewhere deep inside, and this small appendix can affect a lot in a person. It's like a handful of grapes, each berry is a separate kind of self-doubt - fear of self-expression, difficulties in communication, inadequate self-esteem, endless hesitation, fear of offending others, powerlessness to refuse people, a lot of doubts about mental actions, fear of awkward and unsuccessful situations, learned helplessness.

And also - inactivity in a person's personal life. In the sense that a person does not plan to embark on the path of dating and in search of love. He is too cowardly and too preoccupied with his insecurities, he is too sure that his insecurities will only bring bad things to a relationship. Therefore, he adheres to loneliness.

But in Jisoo's case, she stuck to loneliness not only because of insecurity, she just didn't need it, she was focused on herself, on her condition, she controlled her mood and her thoughts. She just wasn't up to it, and she believed that it was possible to live a life alone. Loneliness is not such a bad quality in life, it is self-development, solitude with oneself and loved ones, respect for one's personal space, peace and harmony without people.

But doubts were always with her, every time she came out into the light, the shadow literally followed her.

As they say, the brighter the light, the stronger the shadow.

It's really lousy to doubt every bit of what you have in you, even if you draw great, you still don't consider yourself a worthy artist and consider your drawings ordinary and think that someone could draw much better than you. It's a constant weighing of other people's skills. It doesn't happen on purpose, it happens automatically - to compare yourself with others.

These twenty-nine years of miserable life, no matter how many compliments or praises Jisoo received in her affairs, didn't add to her confidence, but criticism of her failures tripped her up every time, forcing her to fall to her knees. The bad always leaves a stronger imprint on the heart than the good.

For some reason, unfortunately, the good is more temporary.

She wonders why this is happening.

Why does our brain store the bad in memory longer than the good? It should be the other way around, shouldn't it?

It's almost like a carton of milk, fresh milk expires before it starts to sour, leaving behind only a sour and tasteless abomination. This is probably a strange example, but nevertheless it suggests that the good thing is the time frame.

Do you know what rules the world? No, not money, not love, and not power.

Time. That's what rules the world.

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