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The barely noticeable morning light hovered in the gloomy room, there was a silent silence around, broken only by barely audible snuffling. Two girls were dozing in bed, a black silk blanket with white stripes was draped over their bodies, soft pillows of the same color. There was only one blanket, but it was big enough to cover two people generously.

The beige curtains on the windows were drawn, but the persistent rays of the sun still managed to seep through them, drawing shining lines on the walls and floor. It seemed that the sun did not even try to hide it, but nevertheless continued to stubbornly fight for its right to exist.

The light was clear, soft, but at the same time bright. But if anyone could look through these curtains, it would seem to him that the room was completely silent and peaceful. And so it was.

Black curls were carelessly scattered on the pillow, a blanket was draped over her neck, and her body was curled up. A slow breath escaped her lips, and her shoulders and chest rose and fell calmly. The blanket was so warm and soft, which was incredibly pleasant, and it smelled so good, a mixture of washing powder with the scent of some delicate flowers, the smell of shampoo and something else, but it was unclear what it was. It was probably Jennie's scent itself, and it smelled just as great.

Jennie always managed to smell delicious, and again it was almost damn illegal. But at the moment, Jisoo was in a dreamy reverie and couldn't argue with that. But she kept wondering how she would smell without all that perfume, how would she smell? Would she smell just as delicious? Is her skin always so warm and tender? Is her voice always so sexy, honeyed and melodious? Do her lips always taste so velvety and delicious? To be honest, she had a lot of questions about Jennie, and there was nothing she could do about it.

After yesterday's severe weather, the clouds dispersed, and the sun shone under the open sky, sending its long warm rays, welcoming the whole city with bright embraces. However, the roads were still wet, and the grass in the clearings, forests and boulevards was covered with morning drizzle. Seagulls soared in the sky, circling over the fish by the lake, while fishermen on the pier unloaded their catch from boats, pigeons pecked the remains of some crumbs on the asphalt in parks and courtyards.

By the time the long eyelashes of the bottomless deep eyes fluttered and the yawn flew from her lips, Jisoo began to wake up, stretching her whole body with a hoarse groan. With a deep sigh, she opened her eyes a little, shaking off the drowsiness. She lay there for about half a minute, blinking her eyelashes, before she discovered that the cat's eyes had been watching her the whole time.

How long has she been watching like this? When did she get up?

A hot blush immediately flooded her neck and face, and her heart beat excitedly in her chest. Her eyes couldn't hide her surprise and embarrassment, which caused them to open wide in surprise before she pulled the blanket over her face, hiding half of her face. Her eyes dropped shyly and darted around. She felt as if she had been doused with hot water, and her heart was beating like it was running a marathon.

Damn, it was only morning, and her heart was already going crazy. How long will it live in the presence of a certain owner of passionate picturesque cat's eyes? Who shamelessly continued to watch her, as if they were interested in everything she was doing.

There was a chuckle, and when she looked in front of her, she saw a mixture of a smile and a smirk on her lips, and amusement flashed in her eyes.

-Don't, don't hide, you're so cute when you sleep.

Jisoo just shook her head, averting her gaze, aiming her gaze at the closet in the corner, where there were many different small boxes.

-I... ahem, you know, it's indecent to stare like that while a person is sleeping.- She muttered something into the blanket, avoiding her gaze.

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