Chapter Sixteen - Backwards

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The next morning, at around seven in the morning, Jason awoke to the sun sliding into the small crack that was in between the hotel curtains. He slowly sat up, groaning as he placed his hand onto his forehead, feeling nasty, dry blood. He lifted his hand away, taking a deep breath and looked over at Emil, who was still sound asleep. He was thankful for that, though that hadn't lasted long after hearing a few loud knocks against the room door. 

Emil had shot himself up almost instantly, alerted by the sudden knocks. He hadn't said anything, though he stood up and walked over. Looking back, he saw that Jason was suddenly just... not there. He looked back at the door, opening it and looked rather shocked at the ones that were there. 

A doctor, with two police officers. 

"Is Jason Reed here?" The doctor politely asked, dipping his head.

Emil was frozen, realizing that they were here to take Jason back, and that Jason was hiding. He stood up tall, eventually finding the proper words to speak. "Is he alive, then? I was worried he wasn't going to make it after the head injury."

"You hadn't known that he was even alive?" The doctor looked shocked. "Well, I guess that would make somewhat sense, considering you had left before he awoke. You see... he wasn't in his designated room, and we hadn't been able to find him at all in the hospital. We figured he ran off, and we figured he would go to you if he could manage..." 

Emil cut him off, shaking his head. "You must be mistaken. I've already made sure he can't find me, no matter how hard he tries. Though he misses me, I don't believe he's that desperate." 

One of the police officers spoke up. "May we check the room? We've a warrant from the front desk." 

He flinched, hesitating, but slowly nodded as he stepped to the side, allowing the officers to walk inside of the room. Watching the police officers maneuver around the room, stress was building up in his system at a fast rate. What would happen if he was found? He hadn't wanted to find out about it, and he assumed something horrible would happen to him. Would it be his fault once more? He was the cause of him getting injured in the first place. He was the cause why he tried to attempt. He might now just be the cause he would get taken back to the hospital and do something worse than that. 

One of the police officers, the taller one, had stood up from where he was bending, having Jason clasped in his grip. "I found him. Should we go now?" 

No! He just found me, don't take him back! Emil thought desperately, frozen in place entirely. He couldn't manage to move, no matter how hard he had tried, seeing Jason stricken with fear. He saw he was trying to get away from the police officer, bursting out in tears. 

"I'm fine!" He was yelling out to him, "I don't need to go back to the hospital, my head's fine! I'm fine mentally, just please! Let me go, I just want Emil!" 

"Emil can visit you at the hospital, where you're supposed to be." 

Emil looked over at the doctor, who had a blank look on his face. Can't you stop them?  He thought again, tears welling up in his eyes. Doesn't he deserve to be free, since he's just fine? He was happy, and now you're about to take him once more? All he wants is me... he said so himself! He can't be with me happily if I can hardly even see him at the hospital because of those stupid visiting hours just like a jail! He stared back at the police officer, who had seemed to put a tighter grip on Jason's arm, just above his wrist. He noticed that Jason was no longer fighting back, but instead, was crying nonstop, staying as still as his body could manage. Around where he was being gripped, he noticed his arm was more red than it should be, and it was very slowly, if you were right next to him, was turning into a slight purple. He's hurting him! His circulation, he's cutting it off of his arm!

"Let him go!" Emil yelled out, walking quickly over to them. "You're hurting him!" 

"It's protocol." He replied, staring at him. "You're too young to understand this, but I'll be taking him back to his designated area." 

Emil couldn't take this anymore. What kind of stupid reasoning was this? Did he really think he was this stupid? Police couldn't engage in any kind of violence, whether they knew it or not, unless a fugitive was fighting back constantly or disobeying their orders multiple times. He knew that, and he knew that the police officer that was currently holding Jason was hurting him, yet he wouldn't let go. He tore his eyes away from the officers, as he then looked at the gun holster on his belt. He was sure he was going crazy, but... he would blame love. 

He quickly took the officer's gun from his holster, seeing that the other officer that was with him grabbed his own, pointing it at Emil. Emil stared, holding the gun up to the one that was holding Jason hostage. "Let him go, and I won't shoot." 

"If you shoot, we both know that not only would I die if you shoot in a fatal position, but you would die as well due to my comrade next to you." 

Emil was blinded at anger at this point. All he wanted was to make sure that Jason was going to be okay, and safe with him. He hadn't cared about authorities, or what would happen to him and Jason. As long as they were together, dealing with this situation that was about to happen, it would be fine. Just fine.


Jason was shuddering on the ground, coughing and trying to regain feeling in his arm. His arm was the color of purple from where he was gripped, almost his entire lower arm. He was crying one more again, wiping his face to see splattered blood on his hand. 

Emil took a deep breath, having his hand over his shoulder. 

Both officers laid dead on the floor. Once Emil had shot the one that was hurting Jason, the other officer had shot him in the shoulder, but was aiming for his head. He was thankful that the officer had barely missed it, and that the doctor that was there earlier at the door was gone from being terrified. He helped Jason up, who was shaking nonstop, unable to process anything.

"Come on, we have to go, Jason- you're safe-" 

Jason shook his head, coughing a lot more than previously. "Y-Your shoulder!" He exclaimed, "that officer hit your shoulder, are you going to be okay? I can take you to the hospital!"

"And let them take you again while I get arrested for killing two officers?" Emil muttered in a low voice, shaking his head. He held Jason close, taking another deep breath. He was glad that Jason was safe, and not severely injured, or not as bad as he was himself, but he wasn't sure what to do next. He knew he had to leave and go as far as he could manage to run away from any kind of authority. But what about Jason? Would Jason insist on coming with him? What about everyone they both know? Emil had done it before, but could Jason even handle doing something like that? He was close with his mother, Emil knew how badly would it mentally destroy him just to be together with him? 


End of Chapter Sixteen - Backwards

Total Amount of Words (To End): 1314 Words

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