Chapter Seventeen - Runaway

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"You're leaving?" 

"I'm staying with Emil, mother. I'm sorry."

"But, can't we prove him innocent? He did it out of self-defense, did he not? You were getting wrongfully hurt, and if Emil weren't going to do anything, he would have gotten killed." 

"I wouldn't hold it against the authorities. They wouldn't believe him, and if they dared go on playback tapes, they would get the wrong idea, seeing that Emil was the one who got ahold of the gun first." 

"That's to blame on the police officer that was harming you, and didn't care about it, either. From what you've told me, I believe you one-hundred percent."

"That's good, so you understand why I'm leaving." Jason mumbled, turning around to face Emil who was sat down, busy finishing up with bandaging his wounded shoulder. He walked over to him, sighing. "Are you doing alright, dear?" 

"I'm doing fine. It just stings, that's all." Emil responded once he was done with the bandaging completely. He looked at Jason, having a blank expression. "Thank you for the concern, but are you really thinking about leaving everyone you've known here just to be with me?"

"You've done it before, haven't you?" 

"Yes, this will be my second time. Yet no one knows I'm alive, still. I'm aware that people are going to think I despised them for lying to them about my death. Even my mother doesn't know I'm still alive, they all think I'm deceased. Either way, I can handle it more, since I haven't had too many good people in my life that are currently alive, other than you and Jessica. Even then, I hadn't faked my death and hid away from everyone to be with you, like how you're doing with me. It makes me realize that dedication you're having to do this, but I'm worried it's going to mentally hurt you more than you understand." 

Jason shook his head, taking one of Emil's hands and clasping it around both of his own hands. "I understand the risk I'm taking, I know. I think it's easier, knowing I haven't seen Jessica since we graduated, and my last memory with my mother isn't pleasant." He whispered the last part, taking a deep breath to himself. "You don't have to worry about me. So long I'm reunited with you again, and not in the hospital, I'll be fine, mentally and physically." 

Emil was having massive hesitance to actually allow Jason to go with him, but he saw his courage and dedication to come with him. He knew that if he said no, Jason would find him either way, so it would be no use to deny him, now. He sighed, standing up reluctantly, being careful with his shoulder wound. "Alright, then... Fine, I'll let you go with me..." 

Jason gasped, letting go of the hand he was holding of Emil's, as he kissed him, smiling. He had a burst of happiness, hugging him tightly. "Thank you! Thank you, thank you! I love you. I've missed you so, so much." 

Emil embraced him, smiling a bit. "I've missed you too... and don't worry, I've enough money to cover both of us for a long while... and, no worries, you aren't going to have to pack anything. With our luck, we might end up back here, anyways." 

Jason shortly pulled away from him, groaning a bit. "Yeah, you're right..." 

Kristine had walked up to Jason, holding out a brand-new phone with paid service. "You're going to need this. I wish I could give you money, but I don't see how I can give you enough to provide for yourself..." 

He took the phone, smiling at her. "Don't worry, mom! I'll be safe, I promise you..."

"Are you going to contact me?" 

"I'm not sure if I can... if Emil's a fugitive for murder, then I'm a fugitive for resisting a police officer, and for being a runaway while I'm still technically supposed to be recovering in the hospital." 

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