III Gary's P.O.V

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I finally found myself with some quiet time in my lab, surrounded by books, papers, and my trusty Pokémon partners. It was a welcome change of pace after the whirlwind of events that had recently unfolded.

With Paul and Trip having already gotten my prints and the media's attention diverted to what was happening in Alola, things had finally calmed down around me. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

As I sat at my desk, flipping through research notes and jotting down new ideas, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Don't get me wrong, I thrive on being the center of attention, but after my work being published, my personal life had become quite chaotic. Sometimes a bit of peace and quiet is exactly what I need to focus on my work.

My Pokémon were scattered around the lab, some napping lazily in the sunbeams streaming through the windows, while others pored over books and charts with me, their sharp eyes catching details that I might have missed.

I glanced out the window, watching the gentle sway of the trees in the breeze. It was moments like these that reminded me why I became a Pokémon researcher in the first place. The thrill of discovery, the joy of unraveling the mysteries of the Pokémon world—it was all here, waiting for me to explore.

Hours later, I was taking a much-needed break in my lab, sipping on a cup of tea and enjoying the quiet when Dawn came to visit. She flopped down in a chair with a sigh, looking frazzled and tired.

"Hey, Dawn," I said, setting my tea down. "What brings you here?"

Dawn let out a long groan. "Oh, Gary, I just needed to get away from Paul for a bit. He's been driving me crazy with all his training lately."

I raised an eyebrow, curious. "Training for what?"

Dawn rolled her eyes. "For those stupid prints, of course. Ever since Trip caught up to Paul's count of four prints after earning his Arcade Prints, Paul's been in a frenzy. Now the two of them have Factory Prints, Lab Prints, Castle Prints, Tower Prints, and Arcade Prints. And let me tell you, Paul is not happy about it."

I couldn't help but chuckle at Dawn's exasperated tone. "Sounds intense."

Dawn nodded, taking a sip of her tea. "You have no idea. Paul's rivalry with Trip is pushing him to want to get ahead, but it's driving me mad. I love him and his dedication, but sometimes he takes it too far."

I nodded sympathetically, understanding where she was coming from. "I get it. Sometimes a little competition can be healthy, but it sounds like Paul's taking it to the extreme."

Dawn sighed, leaning back in her chair. "Exactly. It's like he's on a mission to catch 'em all or something."

I couldn't help but laugh at her Pokémon catchphrase reference. "Well, you know Paul. Once he sets his mind to something, he doesn't stop until he gets it."

Dawn grinned, shaking her head. "That's for sure. But sometimes I wish he'd take a break and relax for a bit."

I smiled, amused by Dawn's frustration but also touched by her concern for Paul. "Well, you're always welcome here to vent if you need to."

"Thanks, Gary. You're the best." Dawn sighed, looking grateful. Then her eyes sparkled with excitement, and she exclaimed. "By the way, I won my fifth ribbon in a double contest, Gary!"

I leaned in, eager to hear all the details. "A double contest? That's awesome! Tell me more."

"It was incredible, Gary! I used Pachirisu and Mamoswine for the Appeal Round," Dawn explained, her voice filled with excitement. "We performed a stunning combination of moves. Pachirisu dazzled the audience with a flashy Discharge while Mamoswine followed up with a powerful Ice Fang. The combination of electricity and ice was so dynamic!"

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