VI Ash's P.O.V

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Checking on the Gyms across the Orange Islands was always the highlight of my duties as Champion. It was a chance to connect with the Gym Leaders, hear their ideas, and see how they were doing. The Orange Islands Pokémon League was still new, and there was plenty of room for growth and improvement, which I loved.

First up was Trovita Island, where Rudy presided over the Gym. Rudy's energetic personality was infectious, and it always put a smile on my face. We discussed ways to make his Gym Battles more challenging while still being fair to the challengers. His upbeat attitude and dedication to training were truly inspiring.

Next, I headed to Navel Island, where Danny awaited me. Danny had a more serious demeanor compared to Rudy, but his passion for battling was just as strong. We talked about incorporating more strategic elements into his Gym battles, pushing trainers to think on their feet and adapt to different situations.

Cissy, the Gym Leader of Mikan Island, greeted me with a warm smile. Her Water-type Pokémon were some of the strongest in the League, and she was always looking for ways to showcase their power. We discussed hosting themed tournaments and events to attract more challengers and keep things exciting.

Sunburst Island was my next stop, where Morrison presided over the Gym. Morrison had a competitive streak a mile wide, and he was determined to make his gym the toughest in the Orange Islands. We brainstormed ideas for new battle formats and challenges, ensuring that his gym remained a true test of skill.

Ritchie awaited me on Mandarin Island South, his Raichu by his side. Ritchie was a seasoned trainer with a keen eye for strategy. We talked about introducing more double battles and rotation battles into his gym matches, providing trainers with new challenges and opportunities to showcase their skills.

Golden Island was home to Tyson's Gym, where the battles were always intense. Tyson was a powerhouse trainer, and he was eager to push his gym to new heights. We discussed ways to incorporate more environmental elements into his battles, creating dynamic arenas that would keep trainers on their toes.

Finally, I made my way to Mandarin Island North, where Harrison awaited me. Harrison was a laid-back trainer and an old rival. We discussed taking advantage of the island's natural beauty to create stunning battlegrounds.

As I traveled from Gym to Gym, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the dedication and passion of the Gym Leaders. Together, we were shaping the future of the Orange Islands Pokémon League, creating a vibrant community of trainers and Pokémon. And as I bid farewell to each Gym Leader, I knew that the League was in good hands.

Arriving at Kumquat Island, my final stop, I was greeted by the cheerful sight of May, her smile as bright as ever. I couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth as I hugged her tightly, thrilled to see her again.

"Hey, May! It's great to see you!" I exclaimed, feeling genuinely happy to be reunited with my friend.

"I'm going for my fifth ribbon! I can't wait to catch up to Dawn and Drew," May said with a determined grin, her eyes shining with excitement.

Speaking of Drew, he was right there beside May, his trademark confidence shining through as always. "Ash, good to see you," Drew greeted me with a nod, his tone friendly yet competitive.

"It's been too long, Drew! Ready to watch Max's battle?" I asked, feeling the familiar thrill of anticipation.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing how much he's improved," Drew replied, his voice full of confidence in our friend.

The reason for putting Kumquat Island as the last stop was Max's gym battle against Luana, and I was excited to see how he would fare. As we made our way to the gym, anticipation bubbled in the air.

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