II Paul's P.O.V

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I sat back on the couch, watching the TV screen as Dawn practically bounced with excitement beside me. She was totally wrapped up in the contest, her eyes glued to the screen as May received her Kumquat Ribbon. I couldn't help but find it amusing, seeing her so worked up over someone else's success.

"Dawn, calm down," I said, a small smirk playing on my lips. "It's just another ribbon."

But Dawn was too caught up in the moment to listen to me. "But Paul, don't you see? This means May's going to the Grand Festival! And she's gonna be there with me!" Her voice was practically bubbling over with enthusiasm, her eyes shining with excitement.

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but feel a small sense of satisfaction at her happiness. Dawn had been my girlfriend and traveling companion for a while now, and even though she could be annoying at times, I had to admit that her passion for contests was contagious.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant. "But it's not like it's a big deal or anything."

Dawn shot me a playful glare. "Oh, come on, Paul! You know how important this is to her. Besides, it's always exciting to see someone achieve their goals, right?"

I shrugged, not really wanting to admit that she had a point. "I guess so."

As May's victory celebration continued on the screen, Dawn turned to me with a grin. "So, are you gonna come to the Grand Festival with me? It's gonna be amazing!"

I hesitated for a moment, then shrugged. "Sure, why not? It might be entertaining."

Dawn's grin widened, and she leaned over to give me a quick hug. "Great! It'll be fun, you'll see."

I couldn't help but smile a little at her enthusiasm. Maybe watching the Grand Festival wouldn't be so bad after all. However, my mind was soon consumed by thoughts of my upcoming battle against Hall Matron Argenta. She and the Hall Prints were the last challenge standing between me and Ash, the final achievement I needed before conquering the Sevii Islands Battle Frontier. I couldn't afford to let my guard down now.

The idea of battling Ash Ketchum again after all this time added an extra layer of anticipation. It had been a while since our last encounter at the Lily of the Valley Conference, and I had to admit, I was itching for a rematch. Battling Ash was always an intense experience, pushing me to my limits and forcing me to think on my feet. Say what you will about Ash, but the guy knew how to bring out the best in his opponents. Battling him was like stepping onto a battlefield with a force of nature - unpredictable, unstoppable. But I was ready for him. I'd spent countless hours training, honing my skills, preparing myself for this moment. I wouldn't let Ash catch me off guard again. This time, I'd show him just what I was capable of.

I glanced over at Dawn, who was still buzzing with excitement over May's contest victory. Part of me envied her carefree enthusiasm, but I knew I had to stay focused on my own goals. "Hey, Dawn," I said, trying to keep my tone casual. "I've got a battle coming up at the Battle Frontier. You wanna watch?"

Dawn's eyes lit up at the invitation. "Really? Of course, I'd love to watch you battle, Paul!"

I nodded, a small smirk tugging at the corner of my lips. "Great. Just don't expect any fancy tricks or flashy moves. I'm all about strategy and efficiency."

Dawn laughed, giving me a playful shove. "Oh, come on, Paul! I'm sure you'll be amazing. I can't wait to see you in action again!"

I appreciated her vote of confidence, even if I didn't show it. But deep down, I was determined to prove her right. I had trained hard for this moment, and I wasn't about to let anything stand in my way. With my mind set on the battles ahead, I turned off the TV screen and made my way to the Battle Hall. The excitement pulsed through me, mingled with a healthy dose of nerves. Argenta was no pushover, and I knew I'd have to bring my A-game if I wanted to stand a chance against her formidable team of Pokémon. But that was exactly what I thrived on - the challenge, the thrill of the battle.

The Champion Stage {Path of the Aura Ranger: Book III}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora