III Leon's P.O.V

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As I sat in my office, the glow of the television casting flickering shadows across the walls, I watched the reruns of Ash's exploits in Alola with a mix of disbelief and admiration. I had always known that Ash was a skilled trainer, but seeing him command the entire Alola region, ordering Legendaries left and right to take down Necrozma... It was something else entirely.

I leaned forward, elbows on my desk, my eyes glued to the screen as I watched Ash in action. He moved with a confidence and authority that I hadn't realized he possessed. And the way he interacted with the Legendary Pokémon, the ease with which he communicated with them... It was like watching a maestro conducting an orchestra.

He had the respect of Champions like Cynthia, Lance, and Steven, all of whom had years of experience under their belts. And now I understood why. I had earned my position as Champion through hard work and dedication, and watching Ash in action made me eager to test my abilities against him.

As the TV clips continued to play, I couldn't help but feel a surge of respect for Ash. He was more than just a skilled trainer; he was a powerhouse, a force to be reckoned with in the Pokémon World. I shook my head in disbelief, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Ash, you truly are something else," I muttered to myself, unable to tear my eyes away from the screen.

I turned my attention back to the papers on my desk, poring over reports and trying to make sense of the tangled web of intrigue that seemed to surround Chairman Rose, my mind kept drifting back to Ash and his Ghost Team.

It wasn't just Ash's ability to train his Pokémon and command Legendary Pokémon that impressed me, though that was certainly remarkable in its own right. No, what truly amazed me was how seamlessly his Ghost Team operated when they were on a mission.

They were like shadows in the night, slipping through the cracks and gathering intelligence without leaving a trace. They were an elite team, known only to a select few, and their prestige was well-earned. What was even more impressive was the fact that I knew for a fact that they had been specially trained by Ash himself. The Ace Rangers, already formidable trainers in their own right, had become elite operatives under Ash's command.

In just a few short months since their arrival in Galar, they had gathered more intel about Chairman Rose's shady dealings than I had been able to uncover in a year of investigation. It was both humbling and awe-inspiring to see the level of skill and dedication that they brought to their work.

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy as I thought about Ash and his team. They were making a real difference in the world, while I was stuck behind a desk, slogging through paperwork, and trying to piece together clues. But as I looked down at the reports spread out before me, determination flared in my chest. I would find a way to uncover the truth about Chairman Rose's schemes, even if it meant working twice as hard as Ash and his team.

Halfway through the reports from Ash's Ghost Team, my heart skipped a beat as Chairman Rose entered my office. I could feel the tension mounting in the air, and my first instinct was to hide the incriminating documents scattered across my desk. But I knew that would only raise suspicion.

So, I forced myself to remain calm, carefully shuffling the papers to cover the spying reports with the mundane paperwork that littered my desk. I tried to make my movements look natural, as if I was simply finishing up some administrative tasks.

I glanced up as Chairman Rose approached, my heart pounding in my chest. To my relief, he didn't seem to notice anything amiss. Instead, his attention was fixed on the television in the corner of the room, which was still reporting on Ash's achievements in Alola.

I raised an eyebrow as I watched Chairman Rose's face, noting the nervous edge to his expression as the reporters praised Ash and showed clips of the legendary Pokémon under his command. It was clear that Ash's accomplishments were weighing heavily on Chairman Rose's mind. I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at seeing Chairman Rose squirm.

As Chairman Rose continued to watch the television, I seized the opportunity to subtly gather up the remaining documents on my desk, tucking them away in a drawer where they would be safe from prying eyes.

Once I was satisfied that everything was in order, I cleared my throat, drawing Chairman Rose's attention back to me. "Is there something you need, Chairman?" I asked, keeping my tone neutral.

Chairman Rose started, as if only just realizing that he was in my office. He shook his head, a nervous smile playing at his lips. "Oh, uh, no, nothing important," he replied, his voice slightly strained. "Just passing by, you know."

I nodded, hiding my smirk behind a mask of professionalism. "Of course. If you need anything, don't hesitate to let me know."

"Now that you mention it, we should discuss the World Coronation Series," Chairman Rose replied, taking a seat before me. "Champion Ash Ketchum seems to have entered the tournament," Chairman Rose remarked, his tone casual but his eyes sharp.

I forced myself to keep my expression neutral, hiding the turmoil that churned inside me. "Yes, I saw that. It's sure to become quite an exciting tournament with him involved."

Chairman Rose leaned forward, his gaze intense. "Indeed, it is. But it also means that the competition will be fiercer than ever. You need to start training harder, Leon. Show everyone why Galar Gym Leaders are considered as good as the Elite Four, and why you are known as the strongest Champion across the regions."

I forced a smile, hiding my true feelings behind a mask of politeness. "Of course, Chairman Rose. I'll do my best to uphold Galar's honor."

But inside, I seethed with anger. How dare he try to dictate my training regimen? How dare he try to use me as a pawn in his games?

I took a deep breath, steeling myself as I responded, "I appreciate your guidance, Chairman Rose. I will train harder than ever and make Galar proud."

Chairman Rose nodded, seemingly satisfied with my answer. "Good, good. I have high hopes for you, Leon."

As he turned to leave, I couldn't help but feel a surge of resentment bubbling up inside me. I had the deepest regard for Ash, not just as a trainer, but as a friend. He had earned his place in the World Coronation Series fair and square, and I would not allow Chairman Rose to take that away from him.

But for now, I would bide my time, playing along with Chairman Rose's charade while secretly working to gather evidence against him. And when the time came, I would be ready to stand up for what was right, no matter the cost.

The Champion Stage {Path of the Aura Ranger: Book III}Where stories live. Discover now