Chapter 19 (SA2)

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(Sonia's POV)

Me and Shadow raised a hand into the air as the 7 Chaos Emeralds came down from their pillars to us. The emeralds started to swirl around me and Shadow. The Chaos Emeralds went into our bodies and surrounded us in a golden light. When the light disappeared, me and Shadow are now in our super forms.

Sonia: Now I'm sure we can stop all this!

Me and Shadow quickly flew out of space colony and are now flying out into space. I saw the prototype is attached to the front of the ARK, falling down towards earth. I heard my walkie talkie turn on.

Eggman: Sonia! Shadow! Can you hear me? He's very weak without his life support system. Aim for the red swelling area to damage him! You're our last hope!

Sonia: Thanks for the advice!

I started to dash forward towards the prototype. His body started to make some small balls that float around him. The balls started to shoot out at me. I flew around to dodge the balls and saw a swelling area on the prototype's body and dashed into it, destroying it. It shrieked in pain.

Sonia: Shadow! Get the other side!

Shadow nodded at me and flew over to get to the other side of the prototype.

Shadow: Here I come, you creep!

She started to dash at the prototype. It started to shoot out a laser from his back at Shadow, making her dodge the laser and fly over and hit another swelling area.

Shadow: Alright, this is working. Sonia?! How are you doing?!

Sonia: We almost got it!

The prototype let out a screech as it shot multiple lasers at me. I got hit by one of the beams, knocking me back a bit.

Sonia: You aren't going to get away with this!

He continued to shoot laser beams at me and even started to shoot out the balls at me too. Shadow flew over to me and launched several spears out of her hands, destroying the balls. I gave her a quick thumbs up and dashed ahead, barely dodging the lasers and hitting the prototype again. I looked back at Shadow and noticed the energy around her body getting smaller.

Sonia: Shadow! Your power is getting weaker! Hey, are you okay?

She just nodded at me. The prototype started to shoot out a ton of lasers and balls in all directions. Looks like he's getting desperate. The attacks hit me and Shadow, knocking us back.

Shadow: Maria... Watch me. I will fulfill your wish!

Sonia: Come on Shadow! Let's end this creep already!

Me and Shadow started to fly at the prototype, dodging his attacks. We both started to spin in a ball really fast and dashed right through the prototype. He started to scream out as his body started to glow and blew up. His body got destroyed, leaving no trace behind.

Shadow: That fake is finally gone.

I saw that the space colony continued to fall down, getting flames around it as it started to enter earth's atmosphere.

Sonia: Come on Shadow! We need to stop the colony now!

Me and Shadow started to fly right at the colony, getting ready to stop it.

Sonia: No way that's getting through!

Shadow: Sonia! We are going to need to use all the energy we can!

I saw her reach to her wrist and took of the rings off her wrists, causing the energy around her body to get bigger. Me and Shadow got really close to the falling colony.

Speed of Sound (Male reader x Female Sonic)Where stories live. Discover now