Chapter 21 (Heroes)

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(Sonia's POV)

Me, Tails, and Knuckles are all standing on top of a building, looking over the huge city that Eggman flew to. I couldn't see the doctor anywhere.

Knuckles: Looks like Eggman escaped into the city.

I did see a bunch of Eggman's robots running around the place.

Tails: Eggman's robots are taking control of everything!

Sonia: Then let's find Eggman and show him the real power of teamwork!

Me, Tails, and Knuckles all started to run down the building. We all jumped into the air and all landed on a light blue colored road. I felt myself start to speed up and run ahead while on the road.

Knuckles: Woah! This road is making me run!

Tails: I can actually keep up with Sonia like this!

Sonia: It's nothing fast by my standards, but it definitely is a nice change of pace!

We kept running until the road ended and we ended up on some rooftops. I jumped up into the air and dashed at some floating robots, destroying them. We continued to run across rooftops until coming across a big robotic turtle with a cannon on its back.

Sonia: I haven't seen this kind of robot from Eggman before.

Tails: He must be trying out some new designs.

Sonia: Then let's give it a test run!

I quickly ran over at the robot turtle. It shot a laser beam out of its cannon, but I dodged it and kicked the robot, but it didn't look like it took much damage from my kick. Knuckles ran up and punched the robot turtle, but it didn't budge. The turtle started to turn around to face me and Knuckles, but it's really slow.

Knuckles: Man, this thing is tough.

Sonia: But it can't move that much.

I thought about how we could beat this thing. I looked over at Tails and an idea popped into her head.

Tails: If it's a robot turtle, then it's stomach must be softer than it's shell.

I smirked as I started to run around the turtle really fast, making a small tornado. The small tornado made the turtle go up into the air and flip over. It landed on its back, unable to get back upright. Knuckles slammed one of his fists onto the turtle's stomach, making the robot burst into pieces.

Tails: Yes! We beat it!

Sonia: Good thinking on the weakness Tails!

Knuckles: Now I know how to smash those guys!

Me, Knuckles, and Tails continued running. We came across a really tall building in front of us.

Knuckles: Great, how are we supposed to do about this?!

I don't think Tails can take me and Knuckles up to the top. I looked around and saw a pole nearby. I smirked as I looked back at Tails and Knuckles.

Sonia: You two up for a ride?

I started to run around the pole, making a small tornado. I grabbed onto the pole with one hand and held out my other hand to Tails and Knuckles. Tails grabbed my hand and Knuckles grabbed onto hers. The speed and wind of the tornado I made started to spin me around the pole and head up it. When the three of us made it to the top of the pole, I let go, sending us high up into the air towards the really tall building. We went through a window and entered the building. I landed on my feet as Tails landed on her butt and Knuckles on his head.

Sonia: Now that we're inside, we can easily get to the top.

I felt the floor start to shake a bit. I looked down and noticed some hot lava like substance started to rise up towards us.

Speed of Sound (Male reader x Female Sonic)Where stories live. Discover now