Chapter 24 (Heroes)

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(Readers POV)

I slowly opened my eyes. I can see that I'm still being carried by Big. I looked around and saw that I'm in some kind of jungle area.

(Y/N): Ugh... Where are we...?

Cream: Miss Amy! Mister (Y/N) is awake!

Amy: Glad to see you're awake (Y/N)!

I looked over and saw Amy and Cream.

Big: How are you feeling buddy?

(Y/N): ...Sore...

Cream: I think we should stop for a bit and help Mister (Y/N) feel better.

Amy: Yeah, I think we can take a small break.

I let out a small sigh. Great, I'm slowing people down... Crap... That Sonia robot is right... Big gently put me down on the ground, next to a huge river.

Amy: Big! You stay here while me, Cream, and Cheese go and find something to snack on.

Big: Okie dokie.

Amy, Cream, and her Chao all left the area. I let out another sigh as I looked out in the water. Big sat down next to me and took out a fish pole. He threw the hook attached to the pole into the water.

(Y/N): ...

Big: ...

(Y/N): ...Hey... Big?

Big: Hmm?

(Y/N): Do... Do you have anything that makes you special? Unique?

Big: Hmm... Fishing.

(Y/N): No. That's not what I mean.

Big: It's not? Then what do you mean?

(Y/N): It's just... Everyone else has something special about them. Sonia has her speed, Tails has her smarts and 2 tails, Knuckles can glide and is super strong. Me? I don't have any of those things.

Big: Uh... Sounds like you haven't found it yet.

I looked over at Big. He is just looking out at the water while holding his fishing pole.

(Y/N): Haven't found it yet?

Big: Yeah. You just need to find it. Like how I found fishing!

(Y/N): That's easy for you to say.

Big: It wasn't easy to find out about fishing. Froggy helped me learn how to. I had to fish him out of so many things. Sometimes you need someone else to help you find that something... I think.

I looked back at the river of water, seeing the water reflecting the sun's shine. The robot Sonia's words kept ringing in my head.

Neo Metal: It's the same reason your family abandoned you.

I don't know much about my family. Barely anything really. Maybe they didn't leave me because of me being a burden... But I can't say for sure. I looked at the water, seeing my reflection. I can see my face has some bruises and scratches.

(Y/N): I don't want Sonia seeing me like this...

I whispered to myself. I started to lay down on the ground, just looking up at the sky. After a couple of minutes, I heard footsteps getting closer. I sat up and looked over, seeing Amy, Cream, and her Chao walking over and holding some berries.

Amy: We couldn't find much.

Cream: But it should be a good snack!

They walked over to me and Big and sat down next to us. Cream handed me some of the berries. I put them in my mouth and started to chew them down. They tasted rather sweet. I saw everyone else enjoying their berries.

Speed of Sound (Male reader x Female Sonic)Where stories live. Discover now