Chapter 16 (SA2)

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(Readers POV)

Everyone is looking out of the space ship's window and saw the huge blown off rock that has Eggman's face on it.

Sonia: So this is the space colony where Eggman is hiding.

(Y/N): Does Eggman need to put his face on everything?

Sonia: I'm starting to think he needs to do it or he might die.

Tails: This space colony is kind of like the Death Egg.

(Y/N): The Death Egg?

Sonia: Huge secret base in space with Eggman's face on it? I can see where you're coming from Tails.

(Y/N): Ok wait, so Eggman has done this kind of thing before?

Amy: Yep! This isn't even the second time!

Knuckles: Yeah, it's like what... the third time at least.

(Y/N): Oh wow... So this is normal?

Sonia: Pretty much.

How does Eggman get stopped every time?! And how can he keep having evil space stations?! I looked out the window and saw an astroid hit the ship, causing it to shake a bit.

Everyone: Woah!

Tails: Is everyone alright? We should be landing soon.

Knuckles started to look around and noticed something on a screen.

Knuckles: Oh no! The hatch door is open!

Sonia: Don't sweat it Knuckles! The only thing in the cargo bay is those Master Emerald pieces, right?

Knuckles: What do you mean don't sweat it?! Land this ship and let me out!

Knuckles went over to the control panel and started to press random buttons.

Sonia: Knock it off Knuckles! You're going to crash this thing if you keep that up!

Knuckles grabbed a lever and was about to pull it.

Sonia: Don't touch that lever!

Knuckles pulled the lever, causing the ship to turn and start to spin around. Me, Sonia, Tails, and Amy all started to scream as we held onto the nearest solid object we could. The ship crashed into the space colony. Knuckles opened the door to the rocket ship and started run away to get his pieces back. It felt like my head is spinning from that. I don't want to ride in space anymore, at least not with Knuckles behind the wheel. Everyone else stepped out.

(Y/N): So this is the inside of the space colony?

Tails: This place is fascinating. I hope I can do some research on it after this is over.

I saw Sonia stomp on the ground once and let out a huff.

Sonia: What's up with that knucklehead anyway?! Trying to take over the shuttle! I thought we were toast for sure!

(Y/N): You and me both.

Sonia: Glad to see you agree with me!

I can tell Sonia is still a bit mad about what happened. Maybe it would be best to change the subject somehow.

(Y/N): This place seems kinda old, am I right?

Amy: Oh yeah, it looks deserted. Dusty too.

Tails got into her mech and started to click around on some things on her screen.

Tails: This place was shut down about 50 years ago because of a terrible accident. The first Bernoulli spherical space colony called, ARK. When it was operational, it was the most advanced research center of its kind, but looking at it now...

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