Chapter 30 (Rush)

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(Readers POV)

Me, Sonia, Tails, and Silver are all heading towards a desert area. I looked ahead and noticed a huge pyramid in the distance. I noticed that Silver is looking around everywhere, like she's admiring the desert.

Silver: This place is so beautiful.

(Y/N): Do you really think so? It just looks like a desert to me.

Silver: Or course. Seeing such life around here is something that needs to be cherished.

I looked around and saw that plants were few and far between each other in this desert. Although going off how Silver described how the future was, maybe something like this is a rarity for her.

Sonia: I like how ya think, Silver.

Silver: Th-Thanks.

Tails: There are some Eggman robots up ahead!

Tails pointed forward. Everyone looked forward and saw the Eggman robots. Silver went ahead and pointed her hands forward. The robots got surrounded by a light blue glow and they got slammed into each other, destroying them.

Tails: Wow, that's really helpful actually.

Silver: There are just simple robots. It wasn't too hard.

Tails: Do you get tired using your telekinesis?

Silver: Only if I'm pushing it to my limits.

I noticed that a robot was left and it started to run away, running into the pyramid.

(Y/N): A robot went into the pyramid.

Sonia: Looks like one of our egg friends made a hideout in that pyramid.

Silver: Then we should check it out.

Tails: Exactly.

We all went into the pyramid. I saw that the inside of the pyramid has a bunch of ancient ruins. It looks like there are numerous ways to traverse the ruins.

Silver: Where did that robot go?

Sonia: Maybe we should split up? We can cover some more ground.

Tails: Alright, let's meet back up here if we can't find anything.

Everyone nodded as Sonia ran off and Tails and Silver flew away in different directions. I started to hover in the air thanks to my shoes and started to move forward. I noticed some robots ahead of me. I made a pair of small metal pipes come out from the back of my shoes as fire started to come out of them, shooting me forward at high speeds. I easily managed to kick through the robots, destroying them. I kept going forward. I heard rumbling from above me. I looked up and noticed some big boulders falling down towards me.

(Y/N): That's not good!

I quickly reacted and dodged the falling boulders, some just by barely. I turned my shoes off to stop sending me forward really fast when I got away from any falling boulders.

(Y/N): Phew!

I heard a crack noise. I looked below me and saw that the rock floor started to crack and soon quickly break. I started to fall, but it didn't last long as I landed on a slide with a bunch of sand on it. The sand started to carry me down the slide, taking me down further into the ruins. When I reached the bottom of the slide I noticed a bunch of robots staring at me.

(Y/N): Hey... Nice weather we're having, huh?

They immediately started to run towards me.

(Y/N): Don't like small talk?!

Speed of Sound (Male reader x Female Sonic)Where stories live. Discover now