Chapter 9-

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Near Death

3rd Person POV

Link jumped over Waterblight Ganon's spear as it swung under him. The tip of the spear caught on the fabric of Link's pants, dragging him into the water. He gasped and pulled himself up onto one of the four floating platforms in the water. He pulled out his bow, equipped with Fire Arrows, and aimed it at Waterblight's head.

He loosed the arrow, watching it fly through the air and directly hit the Blight's eye. It screeched out on pain, and it's body began to spasm, flinging around and dispersing the malice it was made of across the inside of the Beast. It cried before it exploded in a large poof of purple and black smoke, taking the malice and ancient weaponry it carried with it.

The water drained from the Beast, leaving a nearly dry floor. Link smiled weakly and collapsed forward onto it. He wasn't hurt; not enough to make him collapse like that. He was just exhausted from the fight. He pulled himself across the bloody floor to the Sheikah Tablet that was connected to the Main Control Unit of the Divive Beast. He grabbed his Sheikah Slate and pressed it against the Tablet once again; the same way he had before, just before Waterblight Ganon had released itself and attempted to kill Link.

He heard the Tablet chime, and his arm went limp on the floor. He let out a soft exhale and tried to open his eyes again. He could see a red heart in front of him. He winced and reached for the Heart Container he had recognized. His fingers grazed the surface and he felt it dissappear, the essence entering his body. Every scratch, cut and wound he had from the fight with Waterblight Ganon quickly faded, his skin closing in on itself to stop any of the bleeding that was happening. Color returned to his pale face, and he laid on the floor, motionless, for the next few moments.

"Link," he heard a soft, quiet voice speaking to him. His eyes were too tired to open. "Link, I know you're exhausted; I don't blame you. I could never see myself doing what you've just done. By defeating Waterblight Ganon, you've freed my spirit from this Divine Beast, and now Ruta can help you on your fight against Calamity Ganon. This power is no longer of use to me, so I'm giving it to you in hopes that it can help you stop the Calamity. It is called Mipha's Grace." He felt a soft, cold hand press against his chest, and a warm energy filled his body. He relaxed his aching muscles and he sighed, almost smiled at the gesture. He felt his weight being lifted off the ground, the same way he felt when he would teleport to a Shrine or Sheikah Tower.

He opened his mouth to speak. "Mipha.." he mumbled. "..thank you. I'm so sorry I'm not able to see you right now." He suddenly felt weightless and warmer than he'd felt the entire time he was inside of the Divine Beast.

When the warmth and weightlessness faded away, he slowly opened his eyes and the feeling had returned to his body. He was being held in someone's arms; a black Zora who he couldn't see very clearly.

"Link!" He heard Sidon yell from a distance. He strained to open his eyes and let out a shakey exhale. "Rivan, why is he back here?" He heard Sidon ask.

"He teleported here, I think," he heard a much closer voice say; a voice that he assumed belonged to the Zora holding him. "Maybe that's what happens when a Divine Beast is appeased?" Sidon hummed. Link slowly opened his eyes. Rivan, one of the Zora guards, was holding him tightly in his arms, and Sidon was sitting next to him. They were in Zora's Domain.

"Hey, Link.." Sidon softly said, rubbing his hair and brushing it behind his ear. Link smiled and pushed himself up so he could sit. "How are you?" Link shrugged.

"I'm okay," he smiled. "Just tired. But I beat Vah Ruta, and the rain stopped." Sidon smiled at him.

"You did!" He called excitedly, hugging Link softly. "I'm so proud of you!" Link blushed, his cheeks and the tips of his pointed ears turned the same shade of red as Sidon's scales were.

"Well," He said, pulling away from the hug to change the subject. "I should probably get the rest of the Divine Beasts now." Sidon nodded firmly at him.

"Of course," he said. "But first, we must celebrate your victory against the Divine Beast Vah Ruta!"

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