Chapter 12 -

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Character Death
Spoilers for the final boss fight of BotW

3rd Person POV

"May you be victorious," the voice in Link's head spoke again. He mounted his horse, running around the Dark Beast, firing Arrows from his Bow of Light at the glowing points in the Malice.

For the first time in a long time, Link was genuinely afraid for his life. He had been careless before, putting his life on the line for others in situations he was sure he would get out of. Now he wasn't sure he would get out.

The beast launched purple flames from its mouth, shooting them in lines toward Link and his horse. His hands were shaking, and he was struggling to hold the bow straight and aim normally. The beast shot fire at Link again. He urged his horse forward, but still got caught up in the flame. Him and his horse collapsed sideways onto the grass.

Link groaned quietly and lifted himself up. His horse wasn't moving. He crawled over to the horse, and pressed his hand against it's chest. Blood was pooling underneath it and malice was covering it's body slowly. Link took his hand away from it. He exhaled shakily, almost crying. He stood strong and faced Ganon again.

Now you've made a mistake.

Ganon fired at Link again, and Link was able to dodge the fire this time. He used the updraft from the fire and lifted himself into the air with it. He aimed the bow at the glowing eye in the middle of the Dark Beasts head. Just as he was about to fire, the sky turned deep red. Link paused to look at it. There were spikes falling from the sky, just smaller than the spikes Thunderblight Ganon used in their fight, as a Blood Moon began to rise. Link panicked and lost his concentration on Ganon and his paraglider slipped out of his hand, and he fell from the sky back onto the ground. He groaned loudly and covered his head with his arms to avoid the spikes hitting his face.

He let out a loud scream at the sudden stabbing pain he felt in his back. He looked behind him, and one of the spikes had stabbed into his shoulderblade. He reached behind him and pulled the spike out, gasping softly at the malice on the spike that had wiped itself onto his hand when he touched it.

He took a deep breath and stood again as soon as the spikes stopped falling and ran to grab his paraglider, which had landed on the ground near him. Ganon fired at him once again, and Link dodged it with ease. He grabbed his paraglider and flew up using the updraft. He aimed the bow again, firing it at Dark Beast Ganon's eye. It hit with a loud ding sound. The beast reared back, roaring loudly, and a soft yellow glow emerged from the eye Link had hit with the arrow.

Link reached the ground, exhausted, and he collapsed. He couldn't see what was happening, even though his eyes were open. His vision was blurry and his ears were ringing. His body throbbed in pain and he groaned. He closed his eyes and let his body relax. The little but of sounds he could hear were loud, but fading. He felt like he was dying. The sounds suddenly vanished and Link let out a very soft exhale.

He felt a soft hand press against his chest, and he breathed again. He coughed blood from his mouth and he opened his eyes weakly. There was a beautiful figure above him, holding him. She was blonde, and had beautiful blue eyes that seemed to shine down on him like the sky. She looked worried for Link.

"Link.." she whispered to him. "Link, you're going to be just fine. You're.." she noticed the malice had begun to cover his back and a bit of his chest. She hesitated before speaking again. ".. You're going to be fine." Link groaned quietly and perched himself up on his elbows, opening his eyes wider. He smiled at the figure in front of him, who he now recognized.

"Hey, Zelda," he said quietly. She gasped softly.

"..Link, do you know somewhere you can go to get help?" She asked him. He nodded. "Where!?"

"Zora's Domain," he replied. "I've grown quite close with their Prince." Zelda sighed.

"Go there," she instructed him. "I will meet you there shortly. You need to get there, and stay safe." Link pushed a few buttons on the Sheikah Slate and sighed.

"I know what's going on with the Malice, Zelda," he told her. "Don't be surprised if I'm dead by the time you get there." Zelda gasped at him, and Link pressed one final button on the Sheikah Slate.

"Don't say that- !" He heard Zelda yell at him as he dissappeared.

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