୨ chapter twenty ୧

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"On the phone, you mentioned that you wanted to talk about what happened at the nightclub

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"On the phone, you mentioned that you wanted to talk about what happened at the nightclub. Would you like to tell me about it?" Dr. Thompson asks me after we've already introduced ourselves and got comfortable to talk.

I swallow hard, my throat suddenly dry, as I try to find the right words to express the chaos inside me.

"Um, yeah... it's just... it's all still really fresh, you know?" I start. "I don't exactly know how to get it out."

"Absolutely, take your time, Elena. There's no rush here. Whenever you're ready."

I nod, grateful for her patience, and take a deep breath before continuing.

"Okay, well... I was at the club with some friends. I was dancing and that's when he approached me. We knew each other, we had already kind of been together? We kissed sometimes." I start. "I had too much to drink and... He asked me if I wanted to go somewhere more private. Before I could answer, he pushed me through the crowd to the restroom. And that's when he... he tried to.."

My voice trails off, unable to voice the fear and disgust I felt in that moment.

"It's okay, Elena. You don't have to say anything you're not comfortable with. Just take it one step at a time."

I start feeling tears build up at the corners of my eyes, threatening to spill over, but I push them, refusing to cry.

"No, I need to... I really need to talk about it. I've kept quiet for too long." I take a break before continuing. "He... he tried to rape me."

"He didn't do it, though. Theo, came in just in time and stopped him."

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Elena. It must have been terrifying."

My hands tremble in my lap as I struggle to keep my composure.

"It was. But... but nothing actually happened. Theo showed up before it could... before it could go any further."

"Even though someone intervened, what you experienced is still traumatic. Your feelings are valid, Elena, regardless of the outcome, I hope you know that."

I feel a lump form in my throat, making it hard to speak.

"I know, but... but I can't help feeling like it's my fault. Like I should have been more careful, or... or not gone out at all."

"Elena, it's important to remember that the only person responsible for what happened is the man who tried to harm you. You deserve to feel safe and to enjoy yourself without fear of violence."

I nod slowly, feeling a mix of relief and guilt wash over me.

"I'll try to remember that."

"And if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. We can work through this together, at your own pace."

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